Rev. Lisa Cook – Lisa is an ordained minister in the CP Church (Nashville Presbytery) and founder and chaplain of Sacred Sparks. Sacred Sparks is a ministry with the unhoused, vulnerable population in Nashville, TN. It is a multi-faceted ministry designed to support the relational, spiritual and physical needs of those they seek to serve. Sacred Sparks launched Loads of Love in partnership with St. Luke CP Church in Madison, TN. Lisa is a co-presenter with the Rev. Taylor Young in the session, Grow Deeper and Go Farther. Together they will explore how a church can move from little to no involvement in outreach ministries to opening up their doors and hosting a unique ministry like Sacred Sparks Loads of Love.
Scott Dannemiller – Founder and president of LifeWork Associates, a leadership development consulting firm focused on bringing more trust and authenticity to corporate America. He is also a speaker, author, blogger, worship leader, and former missionary. He is author of the book, The Year without a Purchase, all about his family’s attempt to reconnect with the meaningful side of life by going 12 months without buying any non-consumable “stuff.” Learn more about Scott on his blog, The Accidental Missionary.
Rev. Dr. Marty Goehring – Marty is a clinical psychologist and an ordained CP minister (Presbytery del Cristo). He is director of Formation Counseling Services, an Associate Pastor of Heights CP Church in Albuquerque, NM, and an adjunct professor at Richmont Graduate University. The three life-long missions that Dr. Goehring pursues with passion are to assist the Spirit-driven process that forms Christ in people’s lives, to support the church in fulfilling its calling to be the primary provider of soul care in the community, and to inspire the church to mobilize its resources for the sake of spreading the gospel wide and taking it deep.
Cynthia Mills – President and CEO of The Leaders’ Haven, a consultancy serving clients as business strategist, board consultant, business and executive coach, succession planning and change management guide, leadership development catalyst, speaker, and facilitator for small privately held and family-owned businesses, corporations, associations, not-for-profits, NGOs, and faith-based communities. Cynthia has helped countless churches and pastors navigate transitions and changes. She is the author of several books and articles. Learn more about Cynthia on her website –
Jodi Rush – Coordinator of Children and Family Ministry for the Discipleship Ministry Team. She loves sharing resources and helping churches with programming for all ages, but especially that which is focused on children. Her greatest joy is Children’s Fest, a day of fun and interactive learning with a focus on worship being planned with the children in mind and with opportunities for them to serve in worship leadership. Children’s Fest, is now in its seventh year, will take place July 16, 2022, at Bethel University. Jodi grew up in the McKenzie CP Church (where she was ordained as an elder as a high schooler), is a graduate of Bethel University, and has served the Church in many capacities throughout her ministry. She lives in Brentwood, TN where her husband Kip, serves as pastor of the Brenthaven CPC. Jodi is a co-presenter with the Rev. Sandra Shepherd on the topic of Celebrating Lent and Easter throughout the Church. Together they will share all kinds of ideas on how to celebrate this important season in all areas of the church – worship, education, fellowship, and outreach.
Rev. Sandra Shepherd – serves as Associate Pastor for Christian Discipleship at Brenthaven CP Church (Nashville Presbytery) where her primary duties are in Christian Education, especially with adults. She graduated from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was ordained by Robert Donnell Presbytery. She has served the Church at the presbyterial and denominational levels as a member of Christian Education boards, committees, and teams. Sandra is a co-presenter with Jodi Rush on the topic of Celebrating Lent and Easter throughout the Church.
Rev. Taylor Young – Taylor is a Nashville native who joined came to St. Luke CP Church as pastor in 2020 after eight years of working in youth ministry at churches in Clarksville, TN. Taylor holds an MDiv from Memphis Theological Seminary where he graduated in 2016 and was ordained as a CP minister shortly after by Nashville Presbytery. Taylor is a co-presenter with the Rev. Lisa Cook in the session, Grow Deeper and Go Farther.