Youth Sunday
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
—Psalm 71:5-6, 8-9, 14-19
Leader: For you, O Lord, are my hope,
People: My trust, O LORD, from my youth.
Leader: Upon you I have learned from my birth;
it was you who took me from my mother’s womb.
People: My praise is continually of you.
Leader: My mouth is filled with your praise,
and with your glory all day long.
People: Do not cast me off in the time of old age;
do not forsake me when my strength is spent.
Leader: I will hope continually,
and will praise you yet more and more.
People: My mouth will tell of your righteous acts,
of your deeds of salvation all day long.
Leader: I will come praising the mighty deeds of the Lord GOD,
I will praise your righteousness, yours alone.
People: O God, from my youth you have taught me,
and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.
Leader: So even to old age and gray hairs,
O God do not forsake me.
All: I proclaim your might to all the generations to come.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
Leader: Let us worship with one voice. To our Deliverer, our Father, our Creator, our Redeemer;
People: Our Bright and Morning Star, our Almighty, the Rock of My Salvation;
Leader: To our Holy One, our High Tower, our Refuge, our Strength;
People: Our Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End, our Spirit, our Counselor, our Potter.
All: We are your children, O God. Mighty Maker, we are here to worship you as one church, one voice, one heart. Amen.
—Dusty Luthy
We are here today to sing to God.
We are here to worship.
We are here to learn from the Bible.
We are here to worship.
We have come to hear the Good News.
We are here to worship.
We have come to set aside our differences.
We are here to worship.
We have come to understand our similarities.
We are here to worship.
We have come to be a part of this church family.
And our family is here to worship. Amen.
—Ean Taylor
Leader: We gather today as your people, God.
People: Young and old; rule-followers and rule-breakers;
liberals and conservatives; and every distinction in between.
Leader: We gather today as your beloved.
People: We are a people who are tempted;
who are wilderness wanderers; who trust in you.
Leader: We gather today as children of the covenant.
—Samantha Hassell
Leader: We come together this day to share.
All: To share our love, our concerns, our hurts, and our joys.
Leader: We come together this day to sing.
All: To sing praises to God with the same sincerity and passion as our youth.
Leader: We come together this day to worship.
All: To worship the one from whom all blessings flow.
Leader: Let us worship God.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
―adapted from Psalm 148
Leader: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord of high and low.
People: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord of heaven and earth.
Leader: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord of all.
People: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord of all.
Leader: Let all praise the name of the Lord, for God created it all.
People: Praise the Lord of all depths, of all elements.
Leader: Praise the Lord of all nature and its residents.
People: Young men and women alike, old and young together!
All: Let all praise the name of the Lord! Praise the Lord!
—Nathan Wheeler
Leader: We gather as the body of Christ to worship.
People: One body with many members.
Leader: Not all members have the same function,
People: Yet we are members one with another.
Leader: As an earthly body, we span five generations:
Children & Youth: Generation Z!
Young Adults: Millenials!
Adults: Generation X and Baby Boomers!
Senior Adults: and the Greatest Generation!
People: We all are God’s people.
Leader: God calls us here to be reconciled to one another and to God.
Children & Youth: We may be young, digital communicators,
but we are also self-educators, collaborators, and volunteer minded.
Young Adults: We may be spontaneous, tech-savvy, and risk-takers,
but we are also passionate and mission-minded, with a global view.
Adults: We may be skeptical, self-reliant, conservative, and goal-oriented,
but we are also community-minded and adaptable.
Senior Adults: We may be conventional, formal, and achievement-oriented,
but we also believe in the equality of all people.
Leader: We may notice differences among us,
Children & Youth: Yet God includes each of us
Young Adults: in God’s covenant of grace and God’s family.
Adults: God gifts each of us for contributions to be made to this faith community,
Senior Adults: as well as the larger body of Christ.
People: One body with many members, called to worship and serve, side by side, in unity.
Leader: Thanks be to God. Let us worship!*
—Jill Carr
—1 Corinthians 12:14-20
Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot would say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear would say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many members, yet one body.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
There are so many differences in our lives that have the power to separate us one from another. Our age, our race, our lot in life, our health, our clothes, our political preferences, all have the power to divide. Let us cast aside our differences and pray for unity and peace today, asking forgiveness for when we’ve separated ourselves not only from each other, but from God above.
—Dusty Luthy
A leaf, when unattached to a tree, will begin to whither and fade away. If we each were a leaf, some would be older or newer, larger or smaller, pointed high in the sky or barely off the ground. But we are all connected to the tree, our God that gives us life. Often all we see are differences. But we are all leaves that are still growing and we are all nothing without our God. Let us confess our sins to God.
—Ean Taylor
We are a diverse people. Diversity is beautiful but sometimes it seeks to separate us. Our age, our race, the way we dress, the party we support, the money we make, all have the power to divide if we let them. But we are really not so different; we are all sinners in need of forgiveness.
—Samantha Hassell
The First Epistle of John tells us that when we have faith in God and are honest with God, God will not let us down and will cleanse us of our wrongdoings. Believing in this grace, let us confess our sins and seek the peace that God offers.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
Though God broke down the dividing walls between us, we who claim that freedom have chosen to rebuild those walls brick by brick. Now let us together claim the bricks we lay.
—Nathan Wheeler
Joshua and Caleb pled with the Israelites to trust and follow God into the land of milk and honey to which God led them, but the people were caught up with the sights and sounds of the new world in which they found themselves and listened to voices other than God’s. Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes in repentance and humility. Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before God.
Let us approach God in repentance and humility as we confess our sin.
—Jill Carr
Creator God, you have equipped each of us with gifts and given us a place in your body.
Too often we do not see our own worth or the worth of those around us with your eyes.
All: Lord, help us to see.
God, in your presence we see ourselves as we truly are: disconnected from one another and disconnected from the fullness you offer us. Too often we take the gifts and passions you give us and set them aside in pursuit of our own plans or for our own comfort.
All: Lord, reveal your heart within us.
Forgive us, God, for the brokenness we have brought to your body. Help us, young and old, variously gifted and fashioned to bring you glory, to restore fullness to our own lives and to connect our gifts with those of our neighbor.
All: Lord, bring healing to this body. Make us whole. Amen.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
Dear Lord, we ask forgiveness today for not seeing each other as you do: as your children, as your chosen people, as your beloved. Forgive us for our impatience, our intolerance, our anger, our jealousies, and help us to unite as we are all called by you. We ask that you take away our dark thoughts and callus actions so we can fully stand in your presence and be in awe of you. You are our maker, O God, mold us as you will. Amen.
—Dusty Luthy
A leaf, when unattached to a tree, will begin to whither and fade away. If we each were a leaf, some would be older or newer, larger or smaller, pointed high in the sky or barely off the ground. But we are all connected to the tree, our God that gives us life. Often all we see are differences. But we are all leaves that are still growing and we are all nothing without our God. Let us confess our sins to God.
—Ean Taylor
Leader: Lead us in your truth, forgiving God.
People: Where we divide, unite.
Where we make assumptions, show us the truth.
Where we sit in judgment, soften our hearts.
Forgive us when we treat one another as less than your beloved child.
(time for silent reflection)
—Samantha Hassell
Merciful God, we confess that we have not always done things in accordance to your will, and we are sorry. Sometimes we get stuck in our own way of doing things. Our routines, easy for us as they may be, often distract us from where you want us to go and what you want us to do. Lord, please help us to be more earnest and eager to serve and lead. May we display fresh openness and trust to go wherever you lead us. Holy God, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
Leader: The wall of us and them
People: Brick by brick
Leader: The wall of liberal and conservative
People: Brick by brick
Leader: The wall of race and class
People: Brick by brick
Leader: The wall of young and old
People: Brick by brick
Leader: The wall of men and women
People: Brick by brick
Leader: The wall of rich and poor
People: Brick by brick
Leader: God we raise up the walls you tore down.
All: Brick by brick
Leader: We pray God for you to tear them down again.
All: Brick by brick by brick
—Nathan Wheeler
God, just as the Israelites rebelled against you, so do we. Just as they lacked faith in you, and feared the uncertainties of their future in the Promised Land, we place limits on your infinite power and take things into our own hands.
As the Israelites mistrusted the leadership and guidance of Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb, we mistrust our brothers and sisters, whom we claim to love.
Forgive us for being unfaithful, prideful, vengeful, greedy, and unloving. Now, merciful God, hear our silent confessions. (Pause for a time of silent confession.)
—Jill Carr
In Christ you are made free, and your heart is new. Please turn to those around you and share these words: You are the body of Christ.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
Through God’s great mercy, we are pardoned from what we deserve and through God’s everlasting grace, we are given abundant forgiveness and blessing and peace we do not deserve. Through Jesus’ tortured trip to Calvary and his rising from the dead, we can forever commune with the one, true Holy God. We are free to worship God as one body, as one voice, one heart, one people. Our God will neither forsake nor forget us. Thanks be to God!
—Dusty Luthy
Here is the good news: God loves you. God is the good creator and wants all of creation to start this morning fresh and renewed. We are forgiven.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
—Ean Taylor
Leader: The good news is this: God does not leave us in our guilt!
God is good and upright and teaches us a humble way. We are forgiven.
Thanks be to God, Amen.
—Samantha Hassell
Leader: As a patient parent welcomes a lively child,
God embraces each of us with forgiveness, and sustains us with love.
All: Thanks be to God! We are forgiven!
—Eleanor Brown Forester
―adapted from Ephesians 2
Hear this assurance: It wasn’t so long ago that we were stuck in our life of sin. But now, we are immense in mercy and with an incredible love. God took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ. The Messiah tore down the walls that separate and brought us together through his death on the cross.
—Nathan Wheeler
—based on Psalm 103:7-12
Friends, the psalmist writes about God and our sin in this way:
The Lord made known God’s way to Moses, God’s acts to the people of Israel.
The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
God will not always accuse, nor will God keep God’s anger forever.
God does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.
For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is God’s steadfast love toward those who fear God; as far as the east is from the west, so far God removes our transgressions from us.
By your confession and repentance, God forgives you and makes you new. Thanks be to God!
—Jill Carr
God Most Present, you are our dwelling place. In this time of worship may we draw close to you and open our hearts to your Word. Reveal to us the gifts you have given us, the passions you have placed in our hearts, even from our youth. As we seek your will, help us to hear you through the wisdom of those surrounding us. Help us to see not only our own value but also the value of those younger than us, the value of those older than us, and show us how our gifts and our stages in life are meant to work together for your glory. Amen.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
Because of who you are, you have never left us, God, nor will you ever depart from us. We pause now to clear our minds and ask that your words invade our hearts. Focus us. Fill us. Help us to forget ourselves for a moment, an hour, a week, a lifetime and hear only the proof of your love and your promises. Amen.
—Dusty Luthy
Creator God, our community is like a branch and each of the people are like a leaf. God, please have your Holy Spirit blow like a wind through our branches and rustle our leaves. Have your word to be like water to our roots as it gives us life. Amen.
—Ean Taylor
God of wilderness, your son was baptized and tempted, same as us. Open our ears and our hearts to receive you now, show us you are with us, even in our struggle, and let us not ignore the Spirit among us as we accept your words today. Amen.
—Samantha Hassell
Omnipotent God, in you there is great wisdom and great knowledge. Please open our ears and our hearts so that we may hear your word with joy and adoration. Amen.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
On this Youth Sunday, God, we ask you to open up our hearts and minds to hear your voice in the voices of our youth. To hear you teach your wisdom, expound your grace and preach your hope and love. In Jesus name, Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
God, our teacher and guide, through the revelation of your word, show us the fruit of the land that lies before us. Make us hyper-sensitive to your voice and reveal your message to us so that we clearly hear you. Prompt us to, not only follow where you lead, but also step faithfully and courageously into the new situations that await us. Shine your light on our reservations so that we cannot hide and withdraw, using obstacles and challenges as excuses to avoid boldly following you. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
—Jill Carr
- 1 Peter 5:1-7—Spiritual Gifts
- 1 Peter 4:8-11—God calling/using the young– Instilling passions in us from youth
- Children—the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these
- 1 Timothy 4:12
- 1 Peter 5:1-7
- Psalm 71
- Psalm 15
- Psalm 19
- Joseph (Genesis 37, 39); Samuel; David (1 Samuel 17:42); Ruth; Josiah (2 Chronicles 34:1-2); Mary; Jesus; Timothy
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
- 1 Timothy 4:12
- John 6:1-14
- Jeremiah 29:11
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
—Dusty Luthy
- Jeremiah 17:5-10
- Psalm 1
- 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
- Luke 6:17-26
—Ean Taylor
- Genesis 9:8-17
- Psalm 25:1-10
- 1 Peter 3: 18-22
- Mark 1:9-15
The lectionary text fits the theme as it focuses on the themes of being a covenant people, beloved children of God.
—Samantha Hassell
- Ruth 1:1-18
—Eleanor Brown Forester
- Ephesians 2:11-22
- 1 Corinthians 3:10-23
—Nathan Wheeler
The youth of the Church are not the future of the Church. They are vital members of the body of Christ. God includes youth in the covenant of grace and we baptized them into our faith communities (COF 3.06, 5.19) Youth are gifted for service in the body and with the body now.
Joshua’s relationship to Moses, as his young assistant (Exodus 33:11) reveals a healthy picture of young members working alongside experienced members in the leadership of God’s people. Moses recognizes he needs someone to eventually assume his role and also that the people need someone whom they will follow and respect, so he asks God for direction. He shares responsibilities with Joshua (Numbers 27:20, 32:28) until it is time for Joshua to assume full leadership (Deuteronomy 31:7). And when he does, the people fully accept Joshua and were in awe of him, just as they were of Moses (Joshua 4:14).
This smooth transition is no accident: working intergenerationally, trusting God, sharing the load, choosing a humble, wise and faithful successor, including the people, and communal participation in the commissioning.
Sermon Ideas:
- Just like Joshua, young people are a gift to the Church and are able to share in her leadership and service. (Exodus 17:9, 24:13, 33:11; Numbers 11:28, 13:8, 16; Numbers 13:25-33; 14:1-45; 27:12-23; 32:28; Deuteronomy. 31:1-8, 14; 32:44; 34:9; Joshua 4:14)
- We are “well able” to go where God leads, even when it is at the urging of a young member of the Church. (Numbers 13:25-33)
- We should be strong and bold when we proceed in a new direction (that may be the suggestion of a millennial or Z) because if we are with God, God goes before us, and will not fail us. (Deuteronomy 31:1-8)
- Young leaders may be filled with God’s wisdom and we should heed their voices, discerning the voice of God through them. (Deuteronomy 31:14-15, 23; 34:9)
- Fear, or lack of trust in God, breeds discontent, anger, and revenge among the body, within oneself, and with God. Discerning the voice of God from conflicting voices of religious leaders is not easy when one is not living within the will and guidance of God. (Numbers 13:25-14:10)
- Forgiveness does not remove consequences. (Numbers 14:13-25)
- The collaborative effort of Moses, Joshua, and the Israelites with God at the center for the care and future of God’s people. (Numbers 27:12-23; Deuteronomy 31:1-8)
—Jill Carr
God of all generations, you tell us when we find our delight in you, you will give us the desires of our hearts. When we seek you, we find your direction for our lives. We do not always understand when you respond. We do not always like the answer we receive. Help us to remember in every season, you are with us. For those who cannot find the strength to pray, we lift them to you now. For those who are far from our eyes but near and heavy on our hearts, we pray your presence is made known to them. For those who are sick and hurting, we pray your comfort would reach them through the presence of a friend. Lead us to be your hands, allow us to share your heart. Amen.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
Lord, we humbly thank you for all our many blessings:
big ones, small ones, ones we can’t even yet see or describe.
Today we see so much hurting throughout our congregation and throughout our world,
and we ask that your presence be revealed at this time.
Help us to care for others in this world and to pay careful attention to all your flock—
young, old, sick or healthy—
to care for the church of God, which Jesus secured with his death on the cross.
We thank you, Father, for your providence and help and love. Amen.
—Dusty Luthy
God, there are people, young and old, going through pain and suffering. Some of those people may feel alone, so please send us out to be companions. Many people are feeling broken, God, remind them of the comfort of community. For all of those people that have been on our mind, God, please give them, and us, your peace and courage. Amen.
—Ean Taylor
God of all ages, we do not understand the suffering we see around us.
We feel desperate—desperate to act, to fix, to help.
Help us to remember in every season, in every stage, you are with us.
For those who need us to carry them in faith, we pray.
For those whose names have been spoken and for those who sit heavily on our hearts,
we ask for the peace of your presence.
Lead us, as your people, to share your comfort with those who need it most.
And we thank you for the gift of accepting our burdens
when we carry them to you in prayer. Amen.
—Samantha Hassell
Gracious and loving God, there are so many concerns in the world around us.
There are people who are hurt, homeless, lonely, abandoned, abused, and sick.
We ask that you bless those people, lift them up and give them strength.
For those who are confused, lost, or concerned about the future,
we ask that you reassure them and give them guidance.
Give us compassion, eagerness, and a willingness to serve,
so that we can bring the light of your love into their lives.
God, we hope that you can help us to be your disciples and serve all of our neighbors.
We ask all these things through Jesus Christ,
who taught his disciples to pray saying:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
Lord, today, we have praised your name. We’ve reminded ourselves of our brokenness, confessed and been assured of your love and grace.
Ask the people to stand and connect. They can connect by holding hands, linking arms, etc.
Now God we ask you to remind us we are connected. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. Remind us that our connections run deeper than just (holding hands, linking arms, etc). And we are not just connected with the people in this room. So, we come to you now and pray,
We pray for our planet. Help us to love and care for this world you created. To not plunder its resources and take it for granted. Help us to find alternative ways of living that reverse the harm to our world. Remind us that the act of loving our planet is the act of loving you.
We pray for our enemies. Soften our heart towards people who have and might try to harm us. Forgive us of our hatred for them. Remind us that in loving our enemies, we are loving you.
We pray for our community. May your Holy Spirit come and bring us together. Help us to see where the needs are and how we can help. Build in us resolve to fight for justice. Remind us that in loving our neighbor, we are loving you.
We pray for one another. We ask that you help us be a light in one another’s darkness. To help us support one another in humility and kindness. Bind us together through your love and mercy. Help us to see one another with your same heart and mind. Remind us that by loving one another, we are loving you.
We pray for ourselves. We plead that you remind us that you love each of us deeply and completely. That nothing can separate us from your love. Bring rest to our worry and anxiety. Bring relief from our stress. Bring hope to our despair. Bring healing to our ailments. Bring wholeness to our brokenness.
Remind us that in loving ourselves, we are loving you.
Let us pray together the prayer that you taught your disciples to pray saying,
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
Like Moses interceded for the Israelites, we intercede for many on this earth and plead your mercy, Lord:
- For victims of terrorism and violence around the world, we pray for faith rather than fear and love rather than hate.
- For refugees seeking safety and a home, much like the Israelites, we pray for hospitality, compassion, and generosity.
- For the national leaders, governments, people, and the processes by which we choose our future leaders, we pray for ethical actions that consider all humanity.
- For those seeking justice through immigration, the criminal justice system, an employer, or from a neighbor, we pray for understanding and wisdom so that your will may be done on earth.
- For those longing for freedom from oppression or equality where gender, sex, race, or socioeconomics prevents it, we pray for forgiveness, reconciliation, and love of neighbor.
- For this congregation and your church, we pray for submission to your will, unity within the body, and acts of love and compassion for the least of these.
- For people and situations burdening our hearts and minds today, we pray… (individual concerns may be named at this time, ending with the Lord’s Prayer.)
—Jill Carr
—1 Peter 4:10
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
As Paul told Timothy, let no on despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Let us all set an example today as we search our hearts to offer our gifts to our God.
—Dusty Luthy
God gives us life every day. We are called to give back some of what God has lovingly given us.
—Ean Taylor
As God’s beloved, members of the covenant, we are called to give faithfully of what God has generously blessed us with.
—Samantha Hassell
—based on 1 Timothy 4
God has given us all good gifts, and we are called to share these gifts and not neglect them.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
When people speak of worship we typically get a picture of prayers, music and sermons but rarely do we picture the offering. Yet an offering is an act of worship. It’s an act of humble devotion. It’s an act of trust and obedience. So, let us worship God by giving to God our tithes and offerings.
—Nathan Wheeler
When we trust God, we are able to go where God leads, to do what God calls us to do, and to give freely of ourselves without reservation. The Israelites were “well able” to assume the Promised Land, but they listened to the naysayers. God invites you to freely give gifts of yourself and your resources as tithes and offerings.
—Jill Carr
God, we ask your blessing and guidance over this offering. May it be used to your glory. Amen.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
Giving God, it was just a boy who offered up five loaves of barley bread and two fishes, and Lord, you fed 5,000 hungry souls. Take our small offering here in this place and multiply it in a way where all those who gave it today and all those who will be blessed by it tomorrow, can see your glory. Amen.
—Dusty Luthy
God, you are so selfless. You give us all that we need. May this portion of what you have given us be used to do your work in this world. Amen.
—Ean Taylor
Giving God, it is a privilege to return a portion of what we have been entrusted with to you. Grant us wisdom as we use these gifts; may the work they do be pleasing unto you. Amen.
—Samantha Hassell
Thank you for the gifts you give us, God. Please help us to use them in the way you intend. Bless this offering and the work toward which it is directed. Amen.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
We worship you God through our words and actions. We worship you by singing and praying. We worship you by speaking and listening and now God we worship you through receiving and giving―receiving your call that we cannot serve both you and money. So we freely give in worship to you and proclaim through everything, we serve you. Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
Gracious God, thank you for your provision that sustains and blesses our lives. Please accept these gifts given by your people. Please guide us in utilizing these gifts to hasten your reign on earth and to seek your guidance in doing so. Amen.
—Jill Carr
—1 Corinthians 12:27
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. Go and be. Amen.
—Whitney Brown Cristoff
May the grace and mercy of our heavenly Father touch you today. Go forward from this place and take the light of Christ with you to your home, to your school, to your work, to your friends, to your family. Feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your lives forever. Amen.
—Dusty Luthy
We have all grown to be a part of God’s creation and God’s church.
Young or old doesn’t matter.
God loves us all, and expects all of us to continue growing.
Growing in our knowledge, our love for God and our compassion for one another.
Go from this place as many completely different leaves all riding on the same wind. Amen.
—Ean Taylor
Look around.
Notice the multiple generations represented among us—
none more beloved by God than another.
You are God’s beloved.
The person next to you is God’s beloved.
The person who annoys you is God’s beloved.
Leave resolved to see and treat others as just who they are: beloved.
—Samantha Hassell
—based on Jeremiah 1:4-9, 1 John 3:1-3, and 1 Timothy 6:11-21
Go! Go and pursue love, faith, and all things righteous.
Do not be afraid, do not hesitate because of your youth.
Instead, use that as encouragement,
as fuel to carry out the work God has laid out for you.
Now go, in peace and love.
And as you go,
Leave this place knowing the great love of God for you.
God is always with you and offers hope in times of trouble.
Do not let others look down on you;
Rather, be assured of the value of being called a child of God.
—Eleanor Brown Forester
Remember that God does not judge one on their outward appearance but their heart. Let us be people of the heart this week: to not see “us” and “them,” but live together in harmony and togetherness. To unite as one body in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Now may the Lord keep you and bless you.
May God’s face shine upon you and show you peace.
This day and all the days of your life. Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
—based on Deuteronomy 31:6,8
As Moses prepared the Israelites for his death and for his assistant Joshua to become their leader, he charged both the people and their new leader. If Moses were giving this charge today, it might sound like this, “Don’t be afraid. God’s bigger than anything or anyone you will face. God goes before you and beside you. Trust God. Be encouraged. God will not abandon you or let you down.” Go in peace. Go with God. Amen.
—Jill Carr
*(Sources: Generation Z,; Generation Z/Boomlets,; Generations, features/generation3.htm; Generations X,Y,Z and the Others,; What is the Social Identity of the G.I. Generation?, music/gi%20social%20identity.htm; Generation X, Generation Y, Generation Z, and the Baby Boomers,; Generation X, http://www.valueoptions. com/spotlight_YIW/gen_x.htm; Baby Boomers, boomers.htm; List of Generations Chart, pages/10%C2%BA_block1/Generations%20Chart.pdf)
—Jill Carr
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