West Tennessee Presbytery met for their regularly scheduled fall meeting at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Tennessee, on October 1, 2022. Elder Mark Maddox (Dresden CPC) was elected moderator and the Reverend Linda Glenn (Medina CPC) was elected vice moderator.
The Reverend Dianne White was released to Trinity Presbytery. The Reverends Samantha and Victor Hassle (Dyersburg CPC) were received from Covenant Presbytery. The Reverend Steven Shelton was dropped from the roll by his own request. The Reverend Barry Anderson was released to Hope Presbytery.
New Salem Cumberland Presbyterian Church was granted permission to sell land in order to finance their new church building. New Beginnings Cumberland Presbyterian Church will receive the proceeds from the sale of the Frasier Cumberland Presbyterian Church after expenses are deducted.
Dresden Cumberland Presbyterian Church hopes to have their first service in their new building in December on the anniversary of the tornado which destroyed their old building.
West Tennessee Presbytery received the report from the Synod of Great Rivers regarding the division of presbytery into the Presbytery of the Midsouth and Cornerstone Presbytery. The Synodic commission being present, minor editorial changes and corrections were made to the report.
Presbytery then adjourned. West Tennessee Presbytery will continue as Cornerstone Presbytery while a number of churches and ministers will constitute the new Presbytery of the Midsouth.
See earlier posts for the proposed composition of each presbytery. Updated lists will be posted at a later time.
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