Trinity Presbytery met February 24, 2023, at Nueva Vida Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas. The Rev. Geoff Knight was elected moderator and elder Tammy Bailey was elected vice moderator. Rev. Ruben Albarracin was pastor host. Presbytery offering was directed to earthquake victims. Reported that the youth of the presbytery had a rewarding experience at the Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC). The Committee on Judicial Concerns stressed the need for sessions to submit their minutes for review. Trinity Presbytery will explore the possibility of a satellite church in Trinity Presbytery formed in conjunction with Pathway Church of Red River Presbytery. Disposal of the Mount Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church property consisting of the church building, Christian education building, and the manse was referred to the Board of Finance. Stone Oak Church granted funds to contest an adverse property tax appraisal due to implications for other properties in the Presbytery. Approved the sale of the Bertam CPC and Antioch CPC manses. Approved the resignation of Rev. James Cantey from Elmira Chapel CPC. Approved the resignation of Rev. Mary Katheryn Kirkpatrick from Jefferson CPC. Approved the call of Rev. Mary Katheryn Kirkpatrick to Elmira Chapel CPC. Approved grants of $15,000 (Ministry Initiative) to Houston First CPC, $25,000 (Spanish Language Ministry) to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Marshall, and $24,623.53 (Technology Grant) also to CPC of Marshall.
About Matthew Gore
Matthew H. Gore is a British journalist, historian, popular culturist, archivist, and educator residing in Memphis, Tennessee. He is the immediate past-president of the Society of Tennessee Archivists and is best known for his book The History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Kentucky to 1988 (2000). He has also published on a variety of topics as diverse as The Origin of Marvelman (a British superhero of the 1950s and 1960s), the relative scarcity of East German philatelics, and the biography of British pulp artist, Denis McLoughlin. He is employed by the Ministry Council of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at the Cumberland Presbyterian Center in Memphis, Tennessee, as editor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Magazine and as publications manager. He has been associated with both Western Kentucky University, which honored him with their James H. Poteet Award, and the University of Kentucky. He also serves as editor for all Boardman Books (Memphis, Tennessee) publications.
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