Cindy Martin, manager of Cumberland Presbyterian Resources, was surprised recently by a sudden flurry of orders for the reprint edition of the 1895 Cumberland Cookbook. Orders for the volume, which typically sells slowly, came in rapidly through the CP Resources online store with no discernible pattern. Martin contacted one of the buyers and learned the cookbook appeared in a recent TikTok video.
B. Dylan Hollis creates videos featuring vintage recipes. His video, posted to TikTok December 3, 2021, features an eggnog recipe which he infers is from the 1895 Cumberland Cookbook. Dylan flashes the cookbook in the video and appears to be holding it open to a page toward the back of the book. He declares this eggnog recipe “ruined all other eggnog” for him. To add a dash of mystery, no eggnog recipe appears in the 1895 Cumberland Cookbook nor do egg cream or egg milk, both names which could refer to eggnog. Boiled custard does appear.
Dylan, from Hamilton in the island nation of Bermuda, lives in Laramie, Wyoming, and is a student at the University of Wyoming studying jazz music. Dylan has more than 5.6 million followers on TikTok and as of December 9, 2021, the eggnog video had passed seven million views.
The Historical Foundation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America reprinted the 1895 Cumberland Cookbook in 1980 through Frontier Press. As noted in the reprint, the original cookbook in the Historical Foundation is imperfect. Five leaves are missing. The missing pages were left blank in the reprint. We are making every effort to find a complete original copy of the cookbook.
The reprint was part of a fund-raising effort for the Historical Foundation. Director Susan Knight Gore welcomes the attention but regrets the lack of an eggnog recipe. There are still plenty of copies available and sales feed one of the Historical Foundation’s endowments.
Dylan’s video:
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