Elected Team Member Responsibilities
Each Ministry Team is comprised of individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds, skills and experience. Our hope is that each Team Member will diligently seek God’s direction and yield to the Spirit’s promptings to become fully engaged in the ministerial work of their Team. The following list is intended to provide potential members with some idea of the level of investment required and to clarify and highlight the primary responsibilities of each Team.
- Support the organizational structure of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Ministry Team Members need to understand the ministry structure of the denomination so that they may fulfill their respective duties/ministries, educate others about how we operate and offer input on how to make our ministry efforts more effective. Members are also expected to educate individuals and groups about the denominational level work being completed by the Ministry Council and Ministry Teams. Our Team Members are what keep presbyteries, local churches, ministers, elders and members informed and invested in the overall ministry of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
- Elect Leadership (at least a Chairperson). Ministry Teams are led by Ministry Team Leaders. The Ministry Team Leader is a paid denominational staff member. However, each Ministry Team needs to select an individual who will moderate meetings, delegate tasks and see that Ministry Team actions are recorded and reported. Each Team may also elect other leaders from within the Team as they see fit. Team Members seek to nominate and elect leaders that are Christ-centered, diligent and competent.
- Attend Ministry Team Meetings. Each Ministry Team will determine the frequency and length of its respective meetings, but at least two meetings a year (one in the August and one in the January) at the denominational headquarters will be concurrent or joint with Ministry Council meetings. Joint meetings allow various Teams and the Ministry Council time to work together. Concurrent meetings allow Ministry Teams and the Ministry Council to meet separately at the same time and location. Team meetings generally last two days and require an overnight stay for people who live outside the Memphis area. Recognizing that representation on the Council is both laity and clergy, and in an effort to approach a more equal sharing of the burden of taking time away from family and work, the Ministry Council has set one meeting a year to include a Sunday. Since the planning and decision making work of the Teams are conducted at meetings, it is imperative that Elected Team Members attend each meeting.
- Plan, Prioritize, and Implement the Ministry. Ministry Teams are to ensure that vital areas of Cumberland Presbyterian ministry in the world are adequately led and supported. Ministry Teams are expected to do the work of ministry assigned to that team. Depending on the team with which you serve you may work with budgets, support personnel, acquire resources, and engage in denominational initiatives.
- Work Cooperatively with the other ministry teams. This may involve prayer support, open communication, joint meetings and cooperative projects. The Global Ministries Leadership Team discerns opportunities for cooperative work and enlists the talents and skills of the various team members.
- Work Under the Leadership of the Ministry Council. The Ministry Council provides oversight, clarity and leadership for all denominational ministries, and reports directly to the General Assembly. Ministry Teams are expected to submit regular reports to the Ministry Council (who has the responsibility to oversee all Ministry Team work). Reports should be sufficiently detailed to keep the Ministry Council informed of Ministry Team activities. These reports should include, when necessary, recommendations upon which the Ministry Council can act and include estimates of cost and resources if funding is requested. Ministry Teams can expect guidance from the Ministry Council on priorities, budgeting and procedures. Ministry Council members may participate in meetings as needed or requested.
- Prepare summary reports of Ministry Team activities to be included in the Ministry Council’s report to General Assembly. This report should summarize the activities of the Ministry Team, detail changes in staff and indicate the success, struggles and opportunities of the Team’s ministry, and suggest recommendations necessary to carry out the ongoing and new programs of the Ministry Team. The combined report of the Ministry Council and Ministry Teams will be compiled, edited, and adopted by the Ministry Council for submission to General Assembly.
- Recruit other qualified individuals to participate in denominational ministry opportunities (i.e. asking people to serve on ministry teams, encouraging people to go on mission trips, speaking to churches or presbyteries about funding, etc).
About Us
- Ministry Council
- Summaries of Action
- Bylaws
- Interested in joining the Ministry Council?
- Ministry Council Covenant
- Team Work Guidelines
- Elected Team Member Responsibilities
- 2021 Where We’ve Been
- 2020 Where We’ve Been
- 2019 Where We’ve Been
- 2018 Where We’ve Been
- 2017 Where We’ve Been
- 2016 Where We’ve Been
- 2015 Where We’ve Been
- 2014 Where We’ve Been
- 2013 Where We’ve Been
- 2012 Where We’ve Been
- Forms
- Ministry Council Greeting Cards
- Like Our Ministry Council Shirts?
- Confession of Faith
- Telling Our Stories
- Digest