1Feb 12, 2020
Denomination Sunday is a great time to decorate your sanctuary with things from the past. Instead of a banner, you may want to hang a quilt behind the pulpit. You can gather old equipment, furniture, and memorabilia. And you can gather other things that might be important symbols of our denomination and your church in […]
2Feb 12, 2020
Denomination Sunday is a great time to decorate your sanctuary with things from the past. Instead of a banner, you may want to hang a quilt behind the pulpit. You can gather old equipment, furniture, and memorabilia. And you can gather other things that might be important symbols of our denomination and your church in […]
3Feb 12, 2020
Our United Outreach Sunday is a celebration of the denomination’s unified budget that supports many ministries that we do together to make a different in our world. Our United Outreach or OUO has been around since the 50s and in its current form since 1985, yet many people do not know what it is and […]
4Feb 12, 2020
Denomination Sunday is a great time to decorate your sanctuary with things from the past. Instead of a banner, you may want to hang a quilt behind the pulpit. You can gather old equipment, furniture, and memorabilia. And you can gather other things that might be important symbols of our denomination and your church in […]
5Feb 12, 2020
Many churches have a Youth Sunday, led by the youth, that may be at another time other than in February. If not, celebrate your youth in February! If you do, this would be a great time to honor them instead of them having to lead worship. Imagine the sanctuary being decorated with larger posters of […]
6Aug 29, 2019
Are We Blind to Injustice? Joy Warren Call to Worship Leader: For once we were darkness, but now in the Lord we are light. People: Let us live as children of light! Leader: The fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. People: Let […]
7Aug 29, 2019
Speak Out and Give Hope Shelia O’Mara Reflection before worship: “But today, in too many places around the world—including right here in the United States—the injustice of modern slavery and human trafficking still tears at our social fabric. During National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we resolve to shine a light on every dark […]
8Aug 29, 2019
Hear God’s Voice Calling You Jodi Rush This liturgy was adapted from the worship services from Children’s Fest 2016. It is based on 1 Samuel 3. You are invited to use this liturgy to celebrate and honor the families in your congregation. Call to Worship Leader: It is a good day to be here. People: […]
9Aug 29, 2019
Caring for Creation Byron Forester Call to Worship God said, “Let there be light.” God saw that the light was good. God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” God called the dry land Earth and saw that it was good. God said, […]
10Aug 29, 2019
God is Still Working Through Us Dwayne Tyus Call to Worship Leader: Praise the Lord! Happy are the Cumberland Presbyterians who fear the Lord, who greatly delight in God’s commandments. People: We know we are rich; we strive to be gracious, merciful, and righteous. Leader: God reminds us to conduct our affairs with justice, […]