51Aug 12, 2020
Paul talks in Hebrews 10: 19-25, 32-39 about the benefits of supporting others in the faith. He mentions those who meet together for fellowship and worship. Paul encourages them to continue such meetings and to be aware of ways to keep each other encouraged. He praises them for enduring earlier hardships. Because of God’s faithfulness, […]
52Aug 5, 2020
In Hebrews 5:11-6:10, Paul is chastising the Hebrew people for remaining like infants in their faith. He says they should already be mature and to the point of teaching others; instead they are slow to learn and have to be taught themselves again. Paul also tells his readers they must take the initiative to move […]
53Jul 29, 2020
In the time that Hebrews was written animal sacrifices were the norm. They were done to remind people of their sins but did not take the sin away. So, the people had to return periodically with more animals to sacrifice. It was a never-ending cycle. As long as one lived, one had to continue sacrificing […]
54Jul 22, 2020
Grace is defined as unmerited divine assistance given individuals for their regeneration or sanctification. Paul instructed the readers (Hebrews 4:14-5:10) to approach the throne of grace with confidence because Jesus was going before us. Jesus has experienced pain, suffering and temptation just as we do, so he can sympathize with us in our weakness. Jesus […]
55Jul 15, 2020
As we know Jesus became like humankind so that he could pay for our sins and help us as we suffer and are tempted. Christ shared our humanity so that through his suffering he could defy death. Since he suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help us when we are tempted. We […]
56Jul 1, 2020
Paul admonishes Titus in Titus 3:1-11 regarding doing what is right. He says we are to be law-abiding and do what is good for all not just for ourselves. He tells Titus and all of us to be peaceful and considerate of everyone. If everyone followed these rules, wouldn’t life be much simpler and more […]
57Jun 24, 2020
In 2 Timothy 4:1-8, Paul speaks to Timothy about faith—firm belief or complete trust. He speaks about giving careful instruction against the time when people gather those about them to say what they want to hear. Paul seems to need his friends and his things about him. He speaks of those who deserted him and […]
58Jun 17, 2020
Paul is instructing Timothy about strength to endure suffering in 2 Timothy 2:14-26. He maintained that Timothy would be tough and able to resist temptation if he carefully enlisted others who were also faithful to teach. He also told Timothy that he had to be strong in grace. Paul talked of discipline and hard work, […]
59Jun 10, 2020
Godliness is the theme for 1 Timothy 6:2b-21. Godliness is indeed a tall order as it means to be God-like, pious, devout. Paul taught that we are to be like God not for personal gain but that godliness along with contentment was of terrific gain. In order to attain a God-like state we must avoid […]
60Jun 3, 2020
In the words of Paul found in 1 Timothy 4:6-16, we find instructions for Timothy in his life of service. Service can be defined as a contribution to the welfare of others. Is this not what Christianity is all about? We are aware that we must contribute to the welfare of our families and loved […]