1Nov 10, 2018
Focus As you quiet yourself for this brief time, be willing to be open to God, however that may take place. Read Ruth 4: 18-22 (NRSV) Now these are the descendants of Perez: Perez became the father of Hezron, Hezron of Ram, Ram of Amminadab, Amminadab of Nahshon, Nahshon of Salmon, Salmon of Boaz, […]
2Dec 2, 2016
Focus Pay attention to the tension in your body. Let go of it and any expectations to do anything other than God’s will today. Prepare yourself to hear God’s word. Read Acts 13:16-25 (NRSV) So Paul stood up and with a gesture began to speak: “You Israelites, and others who fear God, listen. The God […]