1Aug 11, 2022
Focus Let yourself become open to God and the knowledge that comes from the Word. Ask God for peace at this time. Read Luke 8:16-21 (NRSV) “No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter […]
2Sep 23, 2020
Families Falling into Faith Formation Families are experiencing all sorts of new realities this fall. Virtual school, mask wearing, cancellations, hybrid meetings and activities, Zoom sessions, and the list goes on. Many families are finding a deeper sense of wanting to nurture faith at home away from screens and computers. While reading a Bible story or having prayer time are always excellent ways of forming faith, you can also try one of […]
3Sep 23, 2020
A mother was introducing her teenage daughter to the family’s tradition of preparing the Christmas ham. The first thing the mother did was cut off two inches from one end of the ham and set it aside. When the teenager asked why she did this, the mother replied, “That’s how I was taught.” Not satisfied, […]
4Jul 15, 2020
As we know Jesus became like humankind so that he could pay for our sins and help us as we suffer and are tempted. Christ shared our humanity so that through his suffering he could defy death. Since he suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help us when we are tempted. We […]
5May 13, 2020
The summer of 2020 is shaping up to look very different than any summer we have ever experienced. Families are looking at the summer ahead without the traditional “in-person” activities they are accustomed to attending. Vacation Bible School is one of the activities that many churches are looking to do in a new way – […]
6Mar 24, 2020
Parents, caregivers, church educators, and pastors are needing to have conversations with children they care about that are full of scary topics – gun violence, tornadoes, pandemics. Listed below are a few resources you might find helpful as you discuss the COVID-19 topic with children you love. Discussing COVID-19 with children Talking to Kids About […]
7Mar 18, 2020
In these days when we are anticipating extended time at home with our children and grandchildren. Many adults will be looking for activities for their families to help pass the time. This is a good opportunity to have faith conversations and explorations at home! Church educators and pastors may also be looking for resources to […]
8Feb 19, 2020
Marriage is my goal. Warm, loving, DWF, 42, ND, NS, seeking soulmate in San Francisco or North Bay for lifetime. T-shirt and jeans SAM, 35, 5’8”, romantic, honest gentleman seeking attractive, NS, n/drugs SA/WF, 25-35. These were gleaned from two pages of want ads for relationships the same way one might shop for a used […]
9Aug 21, 2019
We are the Family of God Nathan Wheeler Call to Worship As we gather today we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. As we look around we are taking back how God has provided us such a unique and diverse family. We are young, old, short, tall, men, women that together make up […]
10Aug 19, 2019
Here are three lessons (including powerpoints) on Family. These lessons were written by Rev. Taylor Young from Clarksville CPC Lesson 1: Family- What does it look like? The purpose of this lesson is to have youth identify what a family is by Jesus’ definition. Then apply this definition to their context and expand their view […]