1May 13, 2020
The summer of 2020 is shaping up to look very different than any summer we have ever experienced. Families are looking at the summer ahead without the traditional “in-person” activities they are accustomed to attending. Vacation Bible School is one of the activities that many churches are looking to do in a new way – […]
2Mar 3, 2020
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12 The lighting of candles in a worship service symbolizes Jesus’ presence with the worshipping community. In many churches, lighting the candles is the responsibility of an acolyte. The […]
3Aug 22, 2019
Telling People About Jesus Lynn Thomas Supplies Needed: The game Jenga (Before worship, set up Jenga so you have a tall tower built with the middle block missing from the bottom. You want it to be in a place where no one will knock it over before Children’s Time.) How many of you have ever […]
4Nov 15, 2018
Advent begins Sunday, December 2. It is the season when we are waiting for the birth of Jesus. It is important what you do while you wait! If you are someone who plans for a Sunday school class, your church, or your family – it’s not too late to add some meaningful and fun activities […]
5Oct 15, 2018
A recent Barna study shows it is very important to engaged Christian parents that their child develops a lasting faith. If the goal is to impart a vibrant, lasting faith to the next generation, the current state of affairs is not promising: Christianity has less of a hold on Gen Z than on any previous […]
6Oct 7, 2018
Focus Relax and clear your head. Listen for the voice of God. What is God saying to you today? Read Mark 10:2-16 (NRSV) Some Pharisees came, and to test him they asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” He answered them, “What did Moses command you?” They said, “Moses allowed […]
7Oct 4, 2018
Will I forget my loved one? Will I ever stop feeling sad? These are two very common questions that children have when they are dealing with the loss of a loved one. If you are an adult that is walking alongside a child who has lost someone due to death, you may want help them […]
8Sep 27, 2018
There is nothing better than to hear the sound of babies and young children in and around the church building. If you are in a church that is lucky enough to have infants and toddlers, you also have the great responsibility of creating a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment for the children and their families. […]
9Aug 20, 2018
Time capsules are fun to make, and even more fun to open years later! A time capsule is a collection of items that describe life as it is right now. Store these items out of sight and mind for a specific length of time. When the specified time has passed, the time capsule is opened […]
10Mar 26, 2018
This summer, Cumberland Presbyterian children are invited to join in a fun project called CP Adventure Pal. Children can create a CP Adventure Pal and take the pal with them as they travel and participate in summer church activities. Their CP Adventure Pal could go to church camp, vacation Bible school, church picnics, mission trips, or anywhere […]