21May 1, 2016
There has been a lot of news recently concerning conflicts over “freedom of conscience” and/or one’s freedom to behave within the constraints of her/his “sincerely-held religious beliefs.” Like any good partisans, folks on both sides of the issues have turned to the principles of marketing in labeling their causes, claiming that their position “protects freedom” […]
22Apr 1, 2016
And now, we find ourselves at Eastertide. A time when what we feared was dead and gone surprises us, bursting forth as new life wherever we look. It’s a time when we’re confronted at last with the realities of what Jesus told us but we found so difficult to grasp: love is all we need. […]
23Mar 1, 2016
Not long ago, some friends of mine and I were lamenting the fact that our denomination is currently experiencing a dearth of “giants of the faith”—theologians and thinkers who articulate for the entire church the essence of our faith and who take as their calling the task of helping us navigate its evolution and growth […]
24Feb 1, 2016
As the lunar cycle would have it this year, the last stale piece of denominational birthday cake will scarcely be gone before we plunge into the season of Lent. From cake crumbs to ashes in less than a week—just like that. While such an abrupt transition could leave some folks feeling as if they’ve boarded […]
25Jan 1, 2016
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” —1 John 4:18 (NIV) The Charleston Emanuel A.M.E. Church shooting, the Paris attacks, the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood and San Bernardino shootings, the recent anniversary of the Newtown Sandy Hook school shooting—we’ve had ample reminders of the specter of terrorist activity throughout the […]
26Nov 1, 2015
As the Christmas season approaches, so too does the seemingly inevitable onslaught of talking heads ginning up concern about some pervasive conspiracy to take Christ out of Christmas—the “war on Christmas” as it has become known in infotainment-speak. It’s a story-line that has no doubt been very profitable for those who promote it, but frankly, […]
27Oct 1, 2015
Somewhere toward the latter half of Pope Francis’ address to the Congress the other day, I had a Homer Simpson moment… You know, one of those times when you realize that some clear-as-day fact or bit of truth has been staring you in the face and you’re only at that moment actually grasping it… As […]
28Sep 1, 2015
Like many of us, I’ve watched with a little interest as the 2016 presidential campaign season unfolds and gathers some steam. And, like most folks who pay close attention, I suspect, my reactions to what I’ve seen could at various times be characterized as amusement, disappointment, anger, incredulity, admiration, revulsion, astonishment, and, to be honest, […]
29Aug 1, 2015
The meeting of the 185th General Assembly is history now, and what a wonderful and significant piece of history it will be for future Cumberland Presbyterians. It might be a stretch to say that Cali, Colombia will never be the same for having hosted the 200-300 Cumberland Presbyterians of multiple nationalities who were able to […]
30Jul 1, 2015
By the time you read this post, our 185th General Assembly will have been gaveled to a close. While we who are employed at the denominational Center are still in the preparation stages as I write this, I’m anticipating that when all is said and done, this Assembly may be considered one of the best […]