Synod of the Southeast met with the Silverdale Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Thursday, May 4, 2023. The Moderator, Rev. Mark Hester, gaveled in the meeting at 11:05 AM. Rev. Dr. Susan Parker led in a devotional based on Luke 4 and offered an opening prayer. A Quorum was declared and Rev. Dale Watson gave the Constituting Prayer. On motion, the Standing Rules were amended to delay the election of a new Moderator until the beginning of the afternoon session. Rev. Mike Wilkinson, GA Moderator, was seated as a Brother in Council and brought greetings from GA and provided remarks. Rev. Cliff Hudson spoke for OUO. A finance committee was appointed to examine the Treasurer’s report.
Communications were read in the order received.
On motion, Walking With God Presbyterian (Cumberland) church’s petition to be transferred to Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery was granted.
On motion, requests from four Minister members of Southeast Korean to move their memberships to Tennessee-Georgia were approved.
On motion, Synod voted to dissolve Southeast Korean Cumberland Presbytery and assign ministers of record and Agape Mission Church to Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery.
On motion, Rev. Dr. Susan Parker was appointed to fill the remainder of Frances Dawson’s term as Assistant Clerk and Treasurer.
The minutes of the various presbyteries were examined.
On motion, Rev. Dr. Susan Parker was elected Moderator and Rev. Derek Jacks was elected Vice-Moderator.
The finance report was received and the proposed budget approved.
On motion, the Standing Rules were set aside to permit the next meeting of Synod to be moved to Saturday, May 4, 2024 at the Scottsboro CP Church in Scottsboro, Alabama. This will be a General Synod. After a verbal review of the minutes, on motion to adjourn, the meeting ended with prayer by Rev. Lucas Garcia.
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Cliff Hudson, Stated Clerk
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