Synod of Great Rivers met April 2, 2022, at Fort Smith Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Fort Smith, Arkansas. The Reverend Ronald L. McMillan (West Tennessee Presbytery) was elected moderator and the Reverend Corey Cummings (West Tennessee Presbytery) vice-moderator. Re-elected the Reverend Andy McClung (West Tennessee Presbytery) as stated clerk and Kitty Stamps (Fort Smith CPC, Arkansas presbytery) as assistant clerk.
Consented to the Reverends James Ratliff, Chris Todd, Laura Todd, and Emily Trapp Young living outside the bounds of West Tennessee Presbytery while maintaining membership therein (as per Constitution 6.52).
Approved each constituent presbytery sending one YAD (youth advisory delegate) to synod meetings. Encouraged each constituent presbytery to consider utilizing YADs at presbytery meetings, on presbyterial committees, and on sessions.
Approved transfer of Korean Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Missouri, from Missouri Presbytery to Cumberland East Coast Korean Presbytery.
On appeal of presbyterial action, instructed West Tennessee Presbytery to rescind its standing order which made the payment of presbytery dues a criterion for committee membership and for being a delegate to higher judicatories.
On appeal of presbyterial action, instructed West Tennessee Presbytery to clarify that the 1996 GA statement on homosexuality is being used only as a guide for addressing disciplinary actions involving churches and sessions.
On appeal of presbyterial action, instructed West Tennessee Presbytery to rescind a standing rule which would have allowed a congregation to leave the denomination and retain their property if the congregation disagreed with the body over issues of “conscience.”
Synod approved the division of West Tennessee Presbytery along theological and geographic lines and appointed a committee of seven to plan the division. The resulting number of presbyteries and determination of the constituencies of each will be determined by the committee. A time-line for the division has been requested by May 2, 2022. It is expected a called meeting will be held to hear the committee report. Committee members: (AR) Rev. Rian Puckett (chair) and Rev. Chris Anderson. (MO) Lana Moore. (WTP) Mark Maddox, Amber Donnell, Rev. Paul Earheart-Brown, Rev. Corey Cummings.
Synod rejected a motion to send letters of explanation and apology to delegates to the Synod of Great Rivers whose elections had been rescinded prior to this meeting.
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