Need some ideas for the older adults in your congregation? Or maybe you yourself want to get your group going and start something new or be prepared for things at this stage of life. If you have other ideas or want to let us know ideas that have worked for you contact Cindy Martin at We would love to see photos or hear personal quotes about your experiences.
- Contact your state’s Department of Aging or Human Services. Arrange to have someone speak to your group about the services the state provides for older adults.
- Ask a lawyer to talk with your group about wills, powers of attorney, protecting your finances, etc.
- Learn about fraud and scams. The local police or an advocacy group would be glad to share information with your group.
- Invite a school choir, ensemble, budding musician, and so forth to perform for your group. Chances are they would welcome the opportunity to use their skills. This might also provide an opportunity to forge a relationship with other groups in your community.
- Become involved in a service project. Rather than having someone give to your group, give to others.
- Take a tour of a historic site or a new manufacturing facility.
- Have someone teach basic self-defense techniques that the people in your group could use.
- Go to see a play or hear a musical performance at a local college or community center.
- Learn exercises that people can do at any level of mobility.
- Invite a representative from the Chamber of Commerce to talk with your group about things planned for the community.
- Start a mentoring program for children and teens.
- Have members of the group share their hobbies. Or, if you learn about someone in the community who has an unusual hobby, invite him or her to share with your group.
- Volunteer at a community food bank or clothes closet.
- Bring snacks and enjoy playing games.
- Attend a seminar that’s being offered through a community college or other local group.
- Arrange to have someone bring an audio/video recording device so that members of the group can record some of their favorite memories, history of the church, funny stories, etc. Plan another time for sharing these recordings with the congregation.
- Learn about social media. A teenager or young adult in your congregation would be a good resource person.
- Have a class about basic use of a computer or other electronic devices.
- Invite someone to share budgeting tips for senior adults.
- Have a volunteer who can help with income tax preparation.
- Ask a mechanic or a home maintenance professional to share information about caring for your vehicle or home, how to perform simple repairs, and when to call a professional.
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