All-Knowing God
Kenny Butcher
Call to Worship
Leader: The Lord has given us the blessing of teachers, that we may know how to sustain the weary with a word.
People: Morning by morning God wakens us, wakens our ears to listen as those who are taught.
Leader: The Lord has given us the blessing of teachers that we may know of God’s love and faithfulness which never fails.
People: Morning by morning God wakens us, wakens our eyes to see God’s grace abound in the trials of life.
Leader: The Lord has given us the blessing of teachers that we may know how to be faithful and not turn back.
People: Morning by morning God wakens us, wakens our hearts to give thanks to the one who is worthy!
Call to Confession
Proverbs 28: 12 says “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,
but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
In honesty and hope, let us confess our sins before God.
Prayer of Confession (unison)
All-powerful and all-knowing God,
You know our every thought before we give it voice,
You know our every weakness before we share it with you,
We confess that we have sinned in so many ways.
We have given in to our fleshly nature and embraced its rule,
We have not listened to your instruction and dared to rebel,
Instead of seeking to know you more, we have lived in our faith from days past.
In doing so we have become worn and weary, and our hearts have grown cold.
Forgive us O God of these shortcomings,
Revive us once again with the presence of your Spirit.
Instruct us in your ways that we may once again delight in you,
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Hear these words from the Lord through the prophet Isaiah:
“Come now, and let us reason together. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, receive God’s mercy and forgiveness!
Prayer for Illumination
We ask you to bless us this morning,
Grant us eyes that we might see,
Grant us ears that we might hear,
Grant us hearts that we might receive,
All that you desire to reveal this day. Amen.
Scripture Possibilities for the Sermon
- Isaiah 50:4-9a (Both teacher and student)
- Acts 8:26-40 (Philip and the Ethiopian)
- Acts 17:10-15 (Learn like a Berean)
Prayers of the People
Lord of all creation,
You tell us in your word that if we are anxious about anything,
With prayers and supplication to make our request known to you,
Then the peace of God which transcends all understanding will come.
Help us, O Lord, to take this invitation seriously this morning.
May this be the hour that we bring every anxious thought before you,
Silently pray about what makes you anxious today.
God of power and might,
Hear our prayer.
Father of all comforts,
It would be easy for us to be crushed by the weight of our worries,
To be consumed by the pain and mourning we experience each day.
Let us remember the words of our Lord, who said,
“Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
May this be the hour that we refuse to hide our pain from you,
Silently pray about what makes you hurt today.
God of power and might,
Hear our prayer.
God of all wisdom,
Our world is filled with worldly wisdom,
Wisdom that is neither from you nor points to you,
Wisdom that could even cause the faithful to have doubts.
Bless us with the gift of discernment to know what is true.
Bless us with teachers to teach us what is true.
Bless us with hearts to receive what is true.
May this be the hour that we share our doubts with you.
Silently pray about what makes you doubt today.
God of power and might,
Hear our prayer.
Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers,
May we find peace in your faithfulness.
May we find comfort in your presence.
May we find wisdom in your teaching.
In Jesus’ name we pray these things. Amen.
Invitation to the Offering
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” —James 1:17
Consider the blessings God has poured into our lives,
Let us now respond to God’s generosity as the Holy Spirit leads us to do so.
Offertory Prayer
Almighty God,
Your kindness and favor knows no bounds,
You are quick to love and share with your children.
We know that we are a blessed people.
We offer these gifts with humble hearts of thanksgiving.
May you use them to further your kingdom.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Charge and Benediction
Be watchful;
Always listening to hear,
Always ready to learn,
Always seeking to apply the lessons the Lord brings you each day!
May the Lord of all wisdom
Make you to know God’s ways,
Teach you to follow God’s paths,
Lead you to embrace God’s truth.
All praise to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen.
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