The Reverend Charles Gary Morrow, 88, of Union, Mississippi, died September 29, 2022. He was an honorably retired member of Grace Presbytery where he served for many years and was pastor of Steam Mill Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Union. Charles was born November 29, 1933, into the Cumberland Presbyterian family of Rufus Connie Morrow and Bonnie Quick Morrow in Leake County, Mississippi. He was raised in the Salem Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Union where he was baptized and joined the church. Salem CPC was the church home to generations of Morrows.
While a member of Salem Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Charles came under the care of Mississippi Presbytery March 14, 1961, was licensed in 1962, and was ordained March 20, 1963.
He served as stated supply for Groveton Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Mississippi Presbytery while a licentiate. In the mid-1960s, he also served Liberty Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Branchville Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Birmingham Presbytery. In 1967, while serving the Kosciusko Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Charles was elected moderator of Mississippi Presbytery. In the late-1960s, Charles served Spring Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Birmingham Presbytery. While Charles was serving Erin Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Mississippi Presbytery, the congregation erected a new building. At the same time, he served Mt. Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Charles was elected moderator of the Alabama-Florida-Mississippi Synod in 1980, and served as Commissioner from Mississippi Presbytery to General Assembly in 1979 and 1984 and from Grace Presbytery in 1990. Due to a presbyterial shuffle, he also served briefly in Mississippi-New Hope Presbytery.
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