There are many scriptures which are difficult to understand. There is no shortage, however, of people who are ready and willing to tell you what Revelation 5:1-10 mean. Many of these people take the scriptures and compare them with things in their newspapers, concluding that the scripture is being fulfilled by such events. When I was in college there was a prediction that the world was ending on a certain date. There have been other predictions over the years. The question becomes, what shall we believe about these scriptures?
I have found it helpful to put different scriptures and other things I don’t understand on a mental shelf. Then, unexpectedly, when there is a need in my life, the scripture may be understood.
As a steward we may not always understand why we are asked to do some of the works we do. We are not asked to understand always; rather we are required to be faithful. When the head of the household has departed, the steward is placed in charge. The hour of return is not known, but our work is well known to us.
The point is clear in our scripture that we have been ransomed by the blood and God has called people from every “tribe and tongue and people and nation.”
—Dr. Robert Craig
- What are some of the reasons that parts of the Bible are written so that they are difficult to understand? Would one reason be that people were living under persecution at the time?
- What perspective does being ransomed by the blood give to our lives as stewards?
- Why is it important in studying the Bible to keep passages in context and to compare scripture with other scripture?
- Who is a worthy steward?
How Do I Act?
- Consider establishing contact by mail with a church or group within the denomination but in a different nation and perhaps with a different language. Discuss ways you can minister together though far away from one another.
- Pray for a specific person whom you know is not a Christian. Ask God to show you ways that you can be a witness to that person without scaring them off by coming on “too strong.”
- If there is a church of The Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America near your church, ask your church leaders to establish some exchange visits. This might be done by “pulpit swapping” several Sundays a year, having joint fellowship dinners, and special worship services in each worshipping community. Be creative. If no such church is near, consider visits with groups known to be different from yours.
- Remembering the ransom God gave for you, as a good steward make a special gift to the church over and above your normal giving. Or start a congregation endowment for the church. Talk to your minister or someone from the Board of Stewardship.
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