The Cumberland Presbyterian Women’s Ministry at Owensboro Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Cumberland Presbytery) have partnered with Funds2Orgs, an Orlando, Florida, based company which works with groups such as churches, civic organizations and other nonprofits to do shoe drives. The shoes are shipped to micro-entrepreneurs in 26 developing countries worldwide, who then sell the shoes to support their families.
The shoe drive started September 11, 2022, and will end November 10, 2022. So far, the CPWM has `collected 45 bags of gently-worn shoes, with each bag containing 25 pairs, or a total 1,125 pairs toward their goal of 100 bags.
“You would not believe where the shoes come from,” said Owensboro CPWM member, Shirley Brown. “People will knock on the church door when they have shoes; people leave shoes out on the porch; people leave shoes at our houses or give us shoes to bring. They’re coming from everywhere.”
Church member, Debbie Johnson, brought the idea to the church. Owensboro CPC’s pastor, the Reverend Tim Maguire, commented, “I was a little concerned that it was more than a church our size could handle but I wasn’t going to rain on their parade. I am really excited that it has turned out as well as it has.”
Owensboro CPC is located at 910 Booth Avenue, Owensboro, Kentucky, 42301.
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