Outdoor Ministries Sunday
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
—Dwight Liles
Leader: Let us worship the maker of heaven and earth.
People: Let us worship the one who walked in the cool of the day
through the Garden of Eden, seeking fellowship with Adam and Eve.
Leader: Let us praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
People: Let us praise the Savior who walked the open roads of Galilee and Judea,
who was tempted in the wilderness,
and who often withdrew to lonely places
away from the cities and the crowds to pray.
Leader: Let us experience the Holy Spirit.
People: Let us experience the still, small voice of pure silence
that Elijah knew to be the very presence of God,
and the guiding hand that led Paul and Silas
to their place of ministry in Macedonia,
the Spirit who even today guides and leads God’s people,
at all times and in every place.
Leader: Let us worship our God!
People: Yes! Let us worship our God!
—Dwight Liles
—Psalm 24:1-2, 9-10
Leader: The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,
People: the world, and those who live in it;
Leader: for he has founded it on the seas
People: and established it on the rivers.
Leader: Lift up your heads, O gates!
People: and be lifted up, O ancient doors!
Leader: that the King of glory may come in.
People: Who is this King of glory?
All: The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.
—Frank Ward
Leader: As we gather, we are reminded that your creation
offers a natural sanctuary for worship, O God.
People: May our eyes notice the awesomeness of your handiwork.
Leader: May our ears hear the songs of nature that fill the air.
People: May our hands feel the textures of all that surrounds us.
Leader: May our noses smell the aromas that cause a flood of warm
and welcoming feelings.
People: May we experience your continuing presence
as we offer our praise to you, O God.
—Kip Rush
Leader: God, as we gather together to worship you, we stand in awe of your creation.
All : We see you in the rising and setting of the sun.
We see you in the moon and the stars of the night sky.
Your creative presence is all around us.
Leader: We see you in the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the creatures of the sea.
All: From the flowers of the valley to the mountaintops in the sky,
Leader: We see your beauty all over the earth.
All: Let us worship you for who you are our creator and sustainer.
—Drew Gray
Leader: As the sun rises, and a new day is born
People: Creation awakes and sings your praises
Leader: In the mid-day, God’s love nourishes the earth
People: Creation joyfully receives God’s blessing of life
Leader: As day comes to an end, the breath of God sweeps over land and water,
People: New voices join the chorus
Leader: During the night, under a vast, starlit sky
People: Creation is healed and finds rest in the peace of God.
All: Let us join all of creation and worship the Living God!
—Billy Price
Leader: With the psalmist, we lift our eyes to you, God.
People: You live in heaven and here on earth.
Leader: We celebrate the wonders of your creation here on earth—vast skies, life-giving waters, sandy beaches, the stark beauty of the desert, the lush greenness of growing things, shade-giving trees, and the lovely uniqueness of each flower.
People: The sheer size of your cosmos stirs us to wonder and praise.
Leader: We celebrate your relational nature of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that spills out into your relationship with us and each other.
People: We especially thank you for times when we can deepen those relationships with you and others in spaces set away from our usual places of living, even right here in this sacred space.
Leader: Meet us here in these moments of worship and astound us with your presence and the realities of your kingdom.
People: Let us worship God!
—Linda Glenn
We are sinners, just as the people of God who wandered in the wilderness of Sinai. We lose our way, we test God’s patience, we forget God’s commands, and we ignore God’s love. We are the lost sheep that the Good Shepherd seeks to find in rocky crags and along dangerous cliffs. We long for the shelter of God’s forgiveness, the green pastures of the Shepherd’s fold, the still waters of peace over which God’s Spirit hovers. Let us confess our sin and our wanderings to the God who calls us home.
—Dwight Liles
Who does not need to bear their soul before God? Who does not need to step aside from the demands and challenges of the regular routine of life to explore what makes us tick, inside and out? Who does not need to retreat to the beauty and quietness of creation to listen, explore and connect with the Creator and other creatures of God? Could it be you? Me? If so, let’s confess together something that we may have in common.
—Frank Ward
Being human means being fallible. It means we fail to live up to God’s desire for our lives all of the time. It means we make mistakes, we treat others unfairly and we don’t care for this world in which we live. Aware of our inability to be all God desires, we humbly come seeking the unconditional love and grace as we confess our sins to God.
—Kip Rush
Though God’s creation dazzles us with all of its wonder, we have not always done our part to be good stewards of it. Let us confess before God the times we have missed the mark when it comes to our own lives as well as caring for creation.
—Drew Gray
All of creation relies on God’s love and generosity. Being a part of creation ourselves, we recognize our need for God. Let us now humble ourselves and confess our sins before God.
—Billy Price
God has given us a world of beauty and grace to tend and protect, but we ignore that responsibility. God has given us human relationships so that we may respect and cherish each other, but we do the very opposite. God has given us an everlasting covenant with God’s own self that is expressed especially in Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and the ongoing presence of God’s Holy Spirit, but we turn away. May we go to God in a time of confession?
(time for silent confession)
—Linda Glenn
O God our Creator, we are your people who need your forgiveness. We have wandered from your path, we have done that which we should not do, we have left undone that which we should do. Forgive us and rescue us from our waywardness. Bring us into the green pastures of peace and forgiveness promised to those who confess their sins to you and seek your restoration. We ask this in the name of our Good Shepherd, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
—Dwight Liles
Ever-present God, we sometimes think we can escape your presence and your judgment.
But we discover even as we flee to the out of doors, campsites,
retreat centers and communities of faith, you are there.
Whenever we sink to the depths of darkness, you are there.
Whenever we hide our flaws and feelings and failures, you are there.
Whenever we turn only to ourselves for a way out, you are there.
Whenever we ascend to the stage of status and popularity and self-glory, you are there.
Whenever we turn aside leaving someone in the ditches
of homeliness, hunger, horror, despair, and desperation, you are there.
Whenever we take up arms against our neighbor
and seek to settle disputes through violence, you are there.
Whenever we abuse your creation and the resources through which you grace our lives
thinking only of ourselves and not of future generations, you are there.
In other words, God, there is no where we can go
to escape your love and mercy and, yes, judgment.
Please help us search for meaning through love and self-giving service
rather than in consuming things and worshipping ourselves and our friends.
Make us more whole than broken, more forgiven than guilty,
more consumed by joy than by our hunger for money, more fixed on hope than despair.
We stand in need of prayer; and so we pray in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
—Frank Ward
Forgiving God, we have failed so many times to live up to your expectations. We don’t take care of this earth with which you have entrusted us. We don’t love as we have been loved. We don’t really spend time with you as often as we should. We want to do more, do better, but we make excuses and ignore what we know to be right and good. Help us, as we are removed from our regular routines in the world, to be more intentional. Give us strength and courage to begin a new way of living as your disciples, a way that we can take back to our everyday lives. As we spend this time in your creation, help us to appreciate more of the little things in life and focus more on your presence and love. We humble ourselves before you, Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. Amen.
—Kip Rush
God, we come to you today acknowledging that things are broken. Creation is broken. Relationships are broken. We are broken. But in the same breath we know that you make all things new. Today we pray that your presence would be felt in our brokenness. We ask that through your grace all of creation would once again be made whole. Amen.
—Drew Gray
O God of life, you have created us and cared for us all the days of our lives.
There are signs of plentiful life all around us.
Trees stretch over us, flowers bloom around us, living creatures cross our paths—
but we don’t see them.
Birds sing tunes above us, crickets conduct symphonies below us,
living creatures buzz past us—but we don’t listen to them.
You shower the earth to sustain it and bring forth new life—
but we curse rainy days.
Forgive us, Lord.
We get so caught up in the negativity of our busy schedules
that we fail to acknowledge your goodness all around us.
Forgive our blindness and our deafness.
Fix our eyes to see and tune our ears to hear the message
of your love in the world around us.
Help us to reflect your love of the world. In Christ’s name, Amen.
—Billy Price
Forgive us, great God, for the many ways we throw away all that you give us—our world, our brothers and sisters, and even our chances to grow closer to you. Open our eyes, ears and hearts to the many ways you continually seek to be in relationship with us. Help us to truly see you. Amen.
—Linda Glenn
Our God leads us into the promised land of amazing grace. Because of God’s love, Jesus Christ came and walked this earth, gave his life, and conquered death forever by his resurrection. Because of God’s great love, you are forgiven!
—Dwight Liles
The Promiser keeps the promise. If we sincerely and truly bear our souls and earnestly seek forgiveness and mercy, God is there to reassure us that not even our sin can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord. As far as the East is from the West, the North from the South, so are the reaches of God’s love. Wear the badge of forgiveness, even if for a while. Until you come again to the throne of mercy, God bless you!
—Frank Ward
Leader: God breathed life into us and loved us, even offering God’s only Son, for us!
So, be assured that by that gift, we are forgiven and called to walk a new path,
in a new light!
People: Thanks be to God!
—Kip Rush
Hear the great news today; the life, death, and resurrection of Christ covers all our iniquities. Just as quickly as our sins were offered up, they have been forgiven. Thanks be to God!
—Drew Gray
All of creation is drenched in God’s grace. Being a part of God’s creation, we gratefully receive God’s grace, especially in the form of Jesus. Hear the Good News: in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and offered new life. Thanks be to God!
—Billy Price
Hear the good news: The grace of God knows no boundaries; God readily meets our contrite hearts. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Amen.
—Linda Glenn
O God, as everything in heaven and earth is open to you, as the trees of the field lift their limbs to you, as the waves rise and fall at your command, as the mountains rise to declare your strength and the valleys kneel before your majesty, so open our hearts and our minds, make us to hear and receive your word, to respond to it and apply it to our lives, that we might be always found doing that which pleases you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
—Dwight Liles
We are embarrassed to admit it, O God, but we are too often hard of hearing and even slower to understand. We often listen with our ears and not our hearts. So, please, open our lives to experience your love and celebrate your gift of creation! Speak to us through the parables of everyday life and the psalms of the natural world. Amen.
—Frank Ward
Inspiring God, as we gather under your canopy of life, help us to hear more clearly your word. May it break the darkness with a light that will show us the way of hope and may it rest upon our hearts with a new way of living. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
—Kip Rush
God, we thank you for your word. Thank you that it continues to speak to us today. As we open the scriptures this morning we pray that we would hear your voice loud and clear. Amen.
—Drew Gray
Come, Holy Spirit. As you hovered over the waters and gently whispered near the mountain, blow through this place. Turn this ground into holy ground. Holy God, open our eyes, that we may be aware of your presence. Open our ears, that we may hear your call. O God, open our hearts, that we might open our arms to show your love and mercy to others. Come, Holy Spirit. We are listening. Amen.
—Billy Price
Speak to us, God, in these moments in ways that are so astounding that these mere words become your living word, who is beyond anything we can express. Amen.
—Linda Glenn
- Genesis 1:1-31 or Psalm 19—One could say that God invented outdoor ministry when God created this world for us to experience. God’s original message of love to us is through the universe God created for us.
- Mark 6:30-31 or Luke 5:15-16—Jesus recognized the need for his disciples—and for himself—to come away from the pressures of life and just be with God. Jesus often chose to seek God in God’s creation.
- Acts 16:13-15—Paul presented the gospel to a group of women who had gathered at a place of prayer outdoors, outside the bustle of the city, by a river, a place where God’s creation was clearly seen and heard and experienced. Outdoor ministries make it possible for us to experience the gospel and God’s creation today as well.
—Dwight Liles
(Note: Pastors may wish to invite persons who have attended camps or conferences or retreats to share something of how God spoke to their lives in these special settings.)
- Old Testament: Isaiah 55:1-13—Sometimes we need to get away from our convictions that money and food are what save us and admit our thirst for that which is priceless—God’s Word, God’s love. God speaks and even the mountains explode in song and the fields clap with joy! Outdoor experiences invite us to listen to creation and our own heartbeats in new ways. Even though God’s ways are not our ways we are sometimes more open to be still and lend ourselves to the guidance of God’s Spirit at camp or in a retreat or with tent set up beside a river or lake.
- Epistle: Romans 8:1-11—Many of the outdoor ministries provided by congregations and presbyteries focus on helping persons, young and old, to live together in a Christ-like community for a limited period of time—sometimes a weekend, sometimes a week, etc. Building a Christian community invites persons to think not just of themselves but of others, to care not only for themselves but of others. It’s a call to be open to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in a special way and to accept and respect others, especially those who seem so unlovable or unlikeable, as valued children of God. Sowing seeds of love means letting go of our own securities and biases and pride.
- Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23—It’s in the out of doors that we discover most readily the meaning of growth, nurture, pruning, planting, sowing. This parable explores the invitation of Christ for us to sow seeds of love no matter what. It reminds us that it is in giving up ourselves that we discover more fully who we are. We can only sow (share) the faith that we have, even though it is a growing faith. Our task is not to make the plant take root and grow or wilt and die, but just to sow. The fate of the seed is in God’s care, not our own. So when we come together to experience and build community whether in church camp or some other place, we have opportunity for Christ’s Spirit to permeate our lives and give us occasion to share with others without pretense.
—Frank Ward
- Genesis 1:1-2:4a
- Genesis 2:4b-25
- Psalm 24
- Psalm 65
- Psalm 104
- Romans 8:18-25
- Colossians 1:15-20
- John 1:1-5
—Kip Rush
- Psalm 19:1-4
- Psalm 8
- Mark 6:46
- Romans 1:20
—Drew Gray
- Psalm 65
—Billy Price
- 2 Samuel 5:1–5, 9–10
- Ezekiel 2:1–5
- Psalm 48
- Psalm 123
- 2 Corinthians 12:2–10
“But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words…” —2 Corinthians 12:3 (NLT)
- Mark 6:1–13
—Linda Glenn
God our creator, you made this earth to give us joy and sustenance, to cause us to lift our eyes and ears, our hearts and lives to you. Today we thank you for the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, and we especially thank you for the work of outdoor ministries, for those who have answered your call to serve in such ministries, to be counselors, teachers and leaders in camps and conferences and retreats, and to be caretakers and directors of the facilities where these ministries are done. We also thank you for those who attend these events and who find life-changing experiences with you through attending. We pray your blessing, your joy, and your love upon these, and upon all people everywhere. May we all be drawn to you as we look and listen and experience with wonder all that you have created, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Suggestion: After the phrase, “the facilities where these ministries are done,” it would be appropriate to add a specific reference to facilities within the local presbytery or synod which are used by members thereof. Example: “… facilities where these ministries are done. Especially today we pray for Crystal Springs Camp, all who experience you through its ministry, and all who serve to make that ministry possible.”)
—Dwight Liles
This is a special Sunday for us, O God. We celebrate the gift of ministries in outdoor settings. We thank you for providing opportunities where boys and girls, teenagers and adults can gather away from the everyday doings to experience your creation. For the places that are dear to our hearts (name particular campsites, conference/retreat centers, etc. that your people utilize) where we experience community and discover anew your marvelous creation, we humbly say “Thank you.”
“For the beauty of the earth; For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Lord of all… we raise… our joyful… praise.” In our thanksgiving and praise, O God, we ask you to extend special blessings on these ministries. For those who plan and lead camps, retreats, conferences and other outdoor ministries, we ask for your guiding wisdom and inspiring spirit. For those who serve as leaders and share their lives and faith with others, we ask for your sustaining grace. For persons of all ages who participate in these experiences, we ask that your presence abide in abundance as they discover love and grace in the midst of community and in the beauty of nature. As persons are separated from the familiar, provide a sense of belonging and security so that the baggage they bring can be unpacked without threat and with understanding love. As we seek your blessings, we also ask that you help these persons when they return to the familiar and rejoin our community of faith, to feel free to share their experiences and reconnect with those who love and care for them.
May your blessings abound! Amen.
—Frank Ward
When we gather in a place like this, O God, we have an opportunity to breathe. We have left our schedules and busy lives back home and have come here with a hope for peace. We come to spend time with you. But, we don’t leave behind the concerns that seem to consume our hearts and minds. So, we come to you with all we carry and ask for your help.
For the world which is never at peace and full of war and death…
Hear our prayer, caring God. (silence)
For our country that is still wracked with racism, sexism and hatred…
Hear our prayer, caring God. (silence)
For our communities that have neglected to care for not only nature, but also those who are homeless and poor…
Hear our prayer, caring God. (silence)
For our churches that are shrinking and struggling to reach others with the gospel…
Hear our prayer, caring God. (silence)
For our homes where families are trying to keep it all together in a time of crisis and yet so many are falling apart…
Hear our prayer, caring God. (silence)
For each person here who desires to grow closer to you and yet faces challenges every way they turn…
Hear our prayer, caring God. (silence)
Hear our prayer, caring and loving God. Remind us every day that you are with us and we are never alone. We pray with hope. Amen.
—Kip Rush
Creator God,
You are the one who has given all the world life and given it abundantly. No matter how much we praise your name, we can never say enough to thank you for all that you have given. We have come to you asking forgiven for our part in helping the world stay broken instead of being the initiators of healing. For that reason, we come to you know as we pray for the people of the world.
—For creation and the ways we continue to harm it…
—For those who will be experiencing camp for the first time
or maybe the last time this summer…
—For those who will be the leadership in those camps…
—For safe travel to and from vacations and events this summer…
—For those who are hurting and need our prayers and comfort…
—For those who are hungry and need to be fed…
—For those who do not have a place to lay their heads…
—For those who are in prison and those who are imprisoned by sickness…
—For all who love you God, for those who don’t know you,
and for those who have turned away from you…
We pray for what we need O God just as Jesus taught us:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
—Drew Gray
God of life, you created humankind in your image and said that it was good.
You remain near to us and hear us when we pray.
We pray for your creation…
that we may be good stewards of your good earth.
We pray for global and national leaders,
that they may humbly seek your wisdom and guidance
as they govern over and influence the lives of so many people.
We pray for local leaders…
that they may humbly listen to the concerns of their neighbors and help meet local needs.
We pray for those who are affected by broken homes and relationships…
that they may find peace, strive to forgive, and be reminded of your reconciling love.
We pray for those who are imprisoned and isolated from society…
that they seek your forgiveness and know that they are not forgotten.
We pray for those battling addictions…
that their struggle may be understood, and that they may find the help they seek.
We pray for those facing illness or death…
that they may rest assured in the healing promise of your abundant life and resurrection.
We pray for those who are caretakers…
that they may be cared for and know the importance of their work.
We pray for those experiencing oppression…
that they may renew their strength and endure in their battle against unjust forces.
We pray for those whose reality is one of hunger and poverty…
that they may be remembered and cared for by neighbors who have plenty.
We pray for those who have no place to call home…
that they may know you have not forgotten them
and that their prayers and cries to be heard and understood don’t go ignored.
O God, we pray for your Church, that we may live more fully into our calling:
- to offer hospitality to the stranger,
- to stand up and seek justice for those who are oppressed,
- to visit the sick and imprisoned,
- to care for the poor and needy,
- to show mercy and love to our neighbors,
- and to love you with our whole being.
Triune God, unite us all as you are united.
We ask this in the name of Christ,
who taught his disciples to pray, saying, “Our Father…”
—Billy Price
For the destruction of your land, sea and skies,
Response: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
For the hatefulness of your children against your children,
Response: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
For hard-hearts that refuse to see your loving goodness.
Response: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
For your beloved children who need healing, comfort, and guidance,
Response: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
For leaders here and throughout the world,
Response: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
For the victims of disasters around the world,
Response: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
For spaces and times for refreshment and renewal,
Response: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
Hear us as we pray the prayer your son taught to pray together,
saying, “Our Father….” Amen.
—Linda Glenn
—Psalm 136:1-9, 26 (The Message)
(Note: Select 4 different persons standing at various places in the worship center to read the respective parts of the leaders.)
Leader 1: Thank God! He deserves your thanks.
People: His love never quits.
Leader 2: Thank the God of all gods,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 3: Thank the Lord of all lords.
People: His love never quits.
Leader 4: Thank the miracle-working God
People: His love never quits.
Leader 1: The God whose skill formed the cosmos,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 2: The God who laid out earth on ocean foundations,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 3: The God who filled the skies with light,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 4: The sun to watch over the day,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 1: Moon and stars as guardians of the night,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 2: God remembered us when we were down,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 3: Rescued us from the trampling boot,
People: His love never quits.
Leader 4: Takes care of everyone in time of need.
People: His love never quits.
All Leaders: Thank God, who did it all!
People: His love never quits!
—Frank Ward
James 1:17 (NIV) says: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Let us give ourselves to the one who has richly given us all things to enjoy, as we present our tithes and offerings on this Lord’s Day.
—Dwight Liles
—Luke 21:1-4 (The Message)
Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all!”
—Frank Ward
Look around. (pause to look around) This is but a small portion of all God has given to us, entrusted to us and offered to us. Everything we have is a blessing and our response is to offer back to God a small part of ourselves. So bring. Bring your offering to a giving God. Bring your time to an expectant God. Bring your talent to a waiting God. Isn’t it the least we can do?
—Kip Rush
As evident through all of creation, God has given freely given to us. Let us continue to worship through the giving of our tithes and our offerings.
—Drew Gray
Open your eyes! Look around! God created all of this. We don’t have to look hard to see that we are surrounded by God’s blessings. With thankful hearts, let us worship God by offering our gifts.
—Billy Price
As God has given to us, we are invited to give in return.
—Linda Glenn
O God, you have given us so much. You have given us life and breath, you have given us the sun, moon and stars, the wind and rain, the earth and all its bounty. We can give nothing to you but ourselves, our time and talents, and a token of that which we have received from you. We give you what is already yours. Still, we offer it with hearts of thanksgiving, and ask that you use it for the kingdom of your love. We ask this in the name of your son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
—Dwight Liles
When you look up, Christ Jesus, what do you see from us? Hopefully you see thankful people who claim life as a gift, not measured in money but self-giving love. We come now to give of ourselves to you, thanking you for your creation and for all that is. We give it to you and ask you to bless it. And in your grace, miracle of miracles, you turn right around and give it back to us, except now it is blessed and must be used accordingly for your glory. Thank you. Amen.
—Frank Ward
God of many blessings, we are humbled by all you have given to us and we ask your blessing upon this which we bring to you. Use it to make a difference in this world which is in such need of hope and healing. We pray as your people filled with your grace. Amen.
—Kip Rush
God we know that you aren’t in need of anything we have to offer. However you desire for us to serve you in every aspect of our life. We pray that this offering was not a meaningless ritual but a true act of worship. Bless these tithes and offerings and guide us as we seek to use them to serve you in all of creation. Amen.
—Drew Gray
O God, from whom all blessings flow, you have sent your son to give us life, and life abundantly. We follow his call, and we seek to be a part of your reconciliation and renewal for the world. Bless these gifts, Lord. Turn this money into ministry, and guide us in our efforts to use it responsibly and according to your will. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.
—Billy Price
Gracious and most-loving God, thank you. Thank you for this wonderful world you’ve given us. Thank you for loving relationships that help us understand your love for us. Thank you for this opportunity to show our gratitude by returning to you these tithes and offerings. Please use them to further your kingdom here on earth. In the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen.
—Linda Glenn
May you go from this place with new eyes and new ears, able to see in God’s creation new evidences of God’s glory, power, and love with each new day. And as you go: “May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.” In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
—Dwight Liles
As you walk out the doors of this place today, may your ears perk up, your eyes sparkle with expectancy, and your heart dance with delight as you experience: the songs of the birds, the touch of the breeze, the rustle of the leaves, the warmth of the sunlight, the smile of a child, and the leaping faith of a friend. And may God the Creator be always nearer than breathe and a challenging presence in your life; may God the Holy Spirit bless you in surprising and unexpected ways, and may God the Christ embrace you with love and decorate your life with a tinge of joy! Amen.
—Frank Ward
As you leave this place, take notice. Listen for the sounds so unfamiliar in our busy lives. Smell the aromas that fill the air that are so different from our homes. See the beauty that offers a glimpse of God’s creative power. Feel the presence of a living, loving God who calls you to care for this place that brings us together. And know you are a child of God, called to go out and share the good news. Amen.
—Kip Rush
God send us out as a people that seek to honor you in all that we do,
a people who look for you in creation,
and a people who take care of that creation. Amen.
—Drew Gray
May you go with a heightened awareness of God’s presence all around you.
May you go with peace, knowing you are surrounded by God’s love.
And may you go to love and serve the Lord all the days of your life.
In the name of the God the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Amen.
—Billy Price
Go forth from this place, seeking places and times of renewal
that will cause you to be so filled with the glory of God in Christ
that mere words cannot do it justice.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
—Linda Glenn