Happy New Year’s greetings and blessings to you during the season of Epiphany
As we are closing out the Christmas season and celebrate the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, are we, like the Magi, looking for an earthly king? Are we looking for a king to save us from this darkness of pandemic and division in our land? Like the Magi, have we had an epiphany and realized that God, in the form of Jesus, broke into our world? Will we choose to follow? One thing that this pandemic has taught me is I can choose to recognize God’s mercy in the ordinary, everyday stuff and sometimes in ways that are outside my comfort zone and from people I would not normally interact with. As we lean into a new year and all that it will bring to our lives, I invite us to continue to seek ways to be open to the Holy Spirit engaging our community, attempt great things for God and expect great things of God.
“Miracle on East Parkway South”
Who does not love a good Christmas miracle story that brings hope and inspiration? Click here to read about just such a Christmas miracle story in the life of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Day of Prayer and Fasting 2021
I am declaring a denominational day of Prayer and Fasting on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Last year we observed a day of prayer and fasting on Ash Wednesday to encourage Cumberland Presbyterians to bear witness to God’s mighty act of reconciling love accomplished in Jesus Christ by which the sins of the world are forgiven. Building upon that day, it is appropriate to call the Church beyond a one-day observation and live out its purpose and mission to share the good news every day. Drawing from the language of The Confession of Faith for Cumberland Presbyterians and The Catechism for Cumberland Presbyterians, an affirmation of faith and commitment to witness has been written by Rev. T. J. Malinoski to encourage and inspire Cumberland Presbyterians to announce the good news of Jesus Christ in authentic ways as we live out the mission of the Church. Click here for the affirmation of faith and commitment to witness. There are many relevant resources developed for last year’s observance that are still available here: Pray-Fast-Act. Join me on February 17 as we seek to live out our purpose as the Church and share the good news of Jesus Christ every day.
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