October 20, 2019
Service of Celebration on the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of the CPC Ministry with the Choctaw
Call to Worship
Most gracious Creator of the sky that covers us, the wind that moves us, the land that sustains us, the water that refreshes us, the fire that cleanses us. Hear our voices as we call upon your name.
Spirit of the living God, hear me.
In our prayer, we seek your will and guidance to ensure tranquility in our hearts toward you, toward our neighbor and toward the earth in which you have blessed us.
Spirit of the living God, sanctify me.
You are the Almighty, calling us to promote peace and to lift up our neighbor so that no one individual, people or culture will be diminished, belittled or abolished.
Spirit of the living God, forgive me.
Help us to wash away the fear of other humans and also the fear of the unknown so that we can truly receive and understand your blessings.
Spirit of the living God, transform me.
Pull our minds and thoughts to reflect upon the past: to evaluate our behaviors, words, actions, and perceptions so that we may appreciate the present and contribute to a more brilliant future.
Spirit of the living God, renew me.
Fill our lives with enjoyment and rejoicing, accompanied with the consciousness of stillness and repose. Grant us safe passage to our places of work, school, home, and worship.
Spirit of the living God, assure me.
Today, we gather rich in compassionate cultures, with beautiful backgrounds, dynamic diversities, extraordinary experiences, liberating languages and unfolding understandings. Let us celebrate our unity and adopt one another into your family.
Spirit of the living God, adopt me.
When we leave this gathering of your creation, send us out as witnesses to your comfort and grace. Send us our as a sanctified, forgiven, transformed, renewed, assured and adopted community to express your love with the same intensity as Jesus Christ.
Spirit of the living God, send me.
Opening Prayer
God of all creation,
We gather as your people on this day you have made.
We give thanks for the evidence of your presence
Found all around us.
Help us to love your world and all in it,
As you have so loved us.
On this day, when our community celebrates
The ministry of Native Americans,
Open us to a deeper understanding of who we are in relationship with one another.
Help us to recognize the value of the road each has walked
To arrive at this place
And the value of the shared journey before us all.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hymn of Praise
How Great Thou Art
The Lord’s Prayer in Indian Sign Language
Choctaw Hymn
Holy Spirit (tune: Amazing Grace)
Shi-lom-bish Ho-li-to-pa ma! (O Holy Spirit!)
Ish min-ti pul-la cha, (You must surely come)
Hat-tak il-by-sha pi-a ha (And bless our)
Ish pi yuk-pa-lasj-ke. (poor, oppressed souls).
A Choctaw Tale of Friendship & Freedom
“Crossing Bok Chitto” by Mr. Tim Tingle
Special Music
Hymn of Unity
Christ Has Called Us to New Visions
Friendship Song and Dance
Round Dance Friendship Song
Choctaw Doxology
I-ki Chi-ho-wa feh-na ka, U-shi Chi-svs ai-e-na ka,
Shi-lom-bish Ho-li-to-pa ma, I-loh ai-ok-pa-han-chash-ke.
Creator God, each of us is like an unfinished sunset, radiating our own special kind of light on things, beautiful yet always becoming and waiting to be appreciated. Help us, O Spirit, to be a source of love for one another so that radiant beams may be seen amongst us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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