Evangelism, New Church Development and Mission Expansion
The 2011 General Assembly approved the Ministry Council’s plan for evangelism, new church development and mission expansion in the present decade. The plan, called “Step Out!”, urges Cumberland Presbyterians to renew their commitment to Christ’s Great Commission, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”
General Goals of the Plan
- Place evangelism “on the front burner” – a priority at all levels of the denomination.
- Assist the church at large to develop an evangelism/missionary-movement identity. This is more than a program; it is the development of an identity and a movement.
- Develop a clear and shared understanding of such important terms as: evangelism and faith-sharing; conversion; missions (fields); cross-cultural ministries.
- Produce or identify concrete and diverse evangelism programs to provide to local churches. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church is diverse, and one program will not fit all the expectations or needs.
Click on the link to view the whole Step Out! plan