For questions or comments, please contact Rev. Johan Daza at or at 901-276-45-72 ext 202

Intercultural competence training opportunities for churches
Cross-Culture Immigrant Ministries USA Program
One of the responsibilities of this office is to assist the different judicatories of the Cumberland Presbyterian church to reach out to people from different languages, cultures, and nations living in the United States. Our goal is to fulfill the great commission of making disciples to all the nations. For that reason, we still share the good news of Christ with them, so they can have a personal relationship with Christ, and be connected to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. As a result, new immigrant churches are planted every year in the United States and some English-speaking churches are implementing intercultural ministry efforts in order to serve the immigrant communities in their neighborhoods.
Cumberland Presbyterians around the world value the fact that we are an international denomination. We value we are present in different countries, speaking different languages, and having different cultures. We really value the fact that we are a diverse family. However, Cumberland Presbyterians are still in need for a better understanding of interculturality, so we can effectively embrace and share the good news of Christ with peoples from different cultures, languages, and nationalities in our own context.
The Cross-Culture Immigrant Ministries USA Program is willing to serve and assist congregations in the United States willing to learn how to minister different people in multicultural settings by offering intercultural competence training opportunities for congregations. For further information or planning a training, please contact Rev. Johan Daza at