For questions or comments, please contact Rev. Johan Daza at or at 901-276-45-72 ext 202
Immigration and faith
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
ILRC provides legal trainings, educational materials,
and advocacy to advance immigrant rights.
Cumberland Presbyterian General Assembly Resolution
The 185th General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church held in Cali, Colombia approved a resolution on the Role of the Church and Immigration Education.
Jubilee’s Immigration Advocates
Provides legal representation on a wide range of matters. Our desire is to make legal immigration services affordable, even for complex issues. Here are the main types of cases we assist with.
MCC Immigration Resources
MCC in the U.S. helps to educate about immigration issues; advocates for sensible, humane immigration laws; works to build peace in communities along the U.S.-Mexico border; and provides documentation services to help immigrants navigate the complex immigration system.
Pew Hispanic Center
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts.
World Relief Memphis
World Relief Memphis began resettling refugees and working with immigrants in 2012. Our prayer is that the local Church will embrace these sojourners and our mission is to equip the church to serve the vulnerable. We applaud the resilience and successes of the people we serve.
The Confession of Faith for Cumberland Presbyterians affirms that:
6.30 The covenant community, governed by the Lord Christ, opposes, resists, and seeks to change all circumstances of oppression–political, economic, cultural, racial–by which persons are denied the essential dignity God intends for them in the work of creation.
6.31 The covenant community affirms the lordship of Christ who sought out the poor, the oppressed, the sick, and the helpless. In her corporate life and through her individual members, the church is an advocate for all victims of violence and all those whom the law or society treats as less than persons for whom Christ died. Such advocacy involves not only opposition to all unjust laws and forms of injustice but even more support for those attitudes and actions which embody the way of Christ, which is to overcome evil with good.
6.32 God gives the message and ministry of reconciliation to the church. The church, corporately and through her individual members, seeks to promote reconciliation, love, and justice among all persons, classes, races, and nations.