March 31, 2020
Dear member Presbyteries of Mission Synod and Delegates,
RE: Cancellation of the Spring Meeting of Mission Synod
With due caution and concern for the health and well-being of attendees to the Spring meeting of Mission Synod and with many Federal, State and local restrictions on travel, I am as moderator of Mission Synod cancelling the scheduled meeting for Friday, April 24, 2020 with Choctaw Presbytery.
We will reschedule a meeting for a later date. If we cannot meet face to face as required of the handbook for the Spring meeting, I have contacted Rev Mike Sharpe and we have the option of meeting using the Denominations Zoom account.
I would appreciate your patience and understanding in these trying times!
If you have any question or concerns,
Please feel free to contact me at
405 248-4232 by voice or text
Rev Leslie Johnson
Moderator of Mission Synod
Red River Presbytery
Eastlake Church, Oklahoma City
PS-wash your hands, don’t touch your face
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