- The Ministry Council met Friday and Saturday, August 16-17, 2019 at Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Bartlett, Tennessee, in both joint and concurrent sessions with the Council’s four Ministry Teams. Joint sessions included worship, Ministry Team reports, a presentation from Concern EAP, meals and fellowship.
- Thirteen of the fifteen Ministry Council voting members were present: Rev. Donny Acton, Rev. Kenny Butcher, Rev. Michael Clark, Juan David Correa, Debbie Hayes, Rev. Phillip Layne, Victory Moore, Melinda Reams, Ted Shirai, Rev. Tim Smith, Charelle Webb, Rev. Mike Wilkinson; Youth Advisory Member: Lacey Young; Advisory Members: Rev. Shelia O’Mara, Moderator of General Assembly, Rev. Mike Sharpe, Stated Clerk of General Assembly; and Director of Ministries Edith Old. Absent with excuse were members Carla Bellis, Ken Bean and Youth Advisory members Sydney Holder and Madison Holland.
- Opening worship was led by the Pastoral Development Ministry Team for Ministry Team and Ministry Council members and guests, a total of 62 persons in attendance.
- The election of Ministry Council officers for this year was as follows: Rev. Mike Wilkinson, President; Rev. Donny Acton, 1st Vice President; Samantha Hassell, 2nd Vice President; Rev. Kenny Butcher, Secretary; and Rev. Phillip Layne, Assistant Secretary.
- Accounting Supervisor Dan Scherf presented up to the minute financial reports that were received and reviewed by the Ministry Council. The reports reflected a very positive financial position; the Council and Ministry Teams continue to practice sound financial stewardship.
- Saturday morning worship was led by the Communications Ministry Team for Ministry Team and Ministry Council members and guests, a total of 55 persons in attendance.
- Rev. Lynn Thomas provided an update on current events in Hong Kong, and led the group in prayer for Hong Kong Presbytery and all the people in that country.
- Rev. Dr. Chris Fleming and Rev. Kristi Lounsbury shared a presentation on advocacy for small churches. Rev. Cardelia Howell-Diamond shared updates on CPW ministries, and Stated Clerk Rev. Michael G. Sharpe provided a brief update on Unification and the work of the Unified Committee on Theology and Social Concerns.
- Moderator Rev. Shelia O’Mara shared her reflections of her experiences to date as Moderator and then adjourned the meeting with prayer.
- The next gathering of the Ministry Council and Ministry Team Leaders will be February 22 and 23, 2020 (Saturday and Sunday) for the Ministry Council Corporation Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors at the Cumberland Presbyterian Center, Cordova, Tennessee.