August 18-19, 2017
- The Ministry Council met Friday and Saturday, August 18-19, 2017 at Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Bartlett, TN, in both joint and concurrent sessions with the Ministry Teams. Joint sessions included worship, Ministry Team reports, presentations from Hong Kong Presbytery and the Guatemalan Council of Churches, meals and fellowship.
- Fourteen of the fifteen Ministry Council voting members were present:
Rev. Lanny Johnson, Rev. Ron McMillan, Rev. Donny Acton, Rev. Kenny Butcher, Tsuruko “True” Satoh, Charelle Webb, Karen Avery, Juan David Correa, Rev. Troy Green, Rev. Phillip Layne, Rev. Mike Wilkinson, Ken Bean, Samantha Hassell, and Victory Moore. Advisory Members Rev. Mike Sharpe and Rev. Dr. David Lancaster and Youth Advisory Member LeighAnn Morgan were present as were Director of Ministries Edith Busbee Old, and guests Faith Parra (current CPWM President) and Johanna Ivonne Colorado of the Council of Churches in Guatemala. Absent with excuse were members Carla Bellis and Charli Uhlrich (Youth Advisory Member.) Youth Advisory Member Cameron Alderson was also absent. - Opening worship was led by the Discipleship Ministry Team for Ministry Team and Ministry Council members and guests, a total of 70 persons in attendance.
- The election of Ministry Council officers for this year was as follows: Rev. Mike Wilkinson, President; Rev. Donny Acton, 1st Vice President; Ken Bean, 2nd Vice President; Victory Davidsmeier Moore, Secretary.
- Accounting Supervisor Dan Scherf presented financial reports that were received and reviewed by the Ministry Council. The reports reflected a very positive financial position; the Council and Ministry Teams are operating in the black as of the end of July. Typically at this time of year, the Ministry Council and Ministry Teams are in the red and must wait for year-end contributions to make up the balance of the budget.
- After much discussion and meeting with the Pastoral Development Ministry Team (PDMT) elected members who were present, the Ministry Council decided not to implement a proposed move of PDMT to be folded into the Missions Ministry Team. Instead, the Ministry Council asked PDMT members to prioritize three to five key elements of the mission and vision of the PDMT as a whole. They were tasked with using those elements to develop a revised job description for the currently open position of PDMT Leader. The PDMT members were also asked to investigate options for external funding for a support staff position to assist the PDMT Leader. The team will provide a report prior to the Ministry Council’s February 2017 meeting.
- In response to 2017 General Assembly Action, the Ministry Council will conduct a survey to gather data regarding the following three questions:
- Where are the greatest opportunities for congregations to thrive in the future that you see?
- What do you see as the greatest threats to continue effective ministry in and through our congregations?
- What can we do individually, collectively, and institutionally to overcome these dangers?
The survey will be made available online and in print form (mailed in after completion). The Ministry Council will work with our global community to ensure that the survey is available in other translations. The Ministry Council encourages all pastors and congregations to participate in the survey.
- The Ministry Council approved a report containing a list of questions to be submitted
to the Unification Task Force. These questions seek clarity in regards to the structure and function of the post-unification Ministry Council and Ministry Teams or their equivalents. - Saturday morning worship was led by the Missions Ministry Team for Ministry Team and Ministry Council members and guests, a total of 70 persons in attendance.
- Special Guest Rev. Eliza Yau, Hong Kong Presbytery, provided a PowerPoint presentation with data reflecting the history and current status of that presbytery, the fastest growing presbytery within the denomination.
- Heard Ministry Council report highlighting items from this Summary of Actions.
- Rev. Amber Clark presented PDMT report. PDMT will draft revisions to the PDMT Leader job description. The team is collaborating with Discipleship Ministry Team to explore new avenues to reach out to CP and CPCA Clergy with opportunities for education, growth, and fellowship. PDMT continues to seek ways to improve the functionality of the Leadership Referral Service (LRS) to better connect pastors seeking congregations and congregations seeking pastors.
- Heard report from the Missions Ministry Team (MMT) about current work to establish a Council of Churches in Cuba and received greetings from the Council of Churches in Guatemala.
- Heard report from the Discipleship Ministry Team. The team is collaborating with PDMT (mentioned above) and MMT to better serve the discipleship needs of the global church. DMT reported that the attendance goal set for CPYC 2019 was exceeded at CPYC 2017. They look forward to the continued and expanded collaboration with the Communication Ministry Team for CPYC 2018. Children’s Fest at Bethel was well attended and DMT continues to explore ways to bring that experience to a wider number of our youngest CPs.
- Heard CMT report detailing planned future collaboration with DMT to incorporate more use of media to document events at CPYC, plans to post worship resources to the Ministry Council website for easy access by congregations, an upcoming art contest for the youth of the denomination to contribute original art to illustrate the 2019 calendar, and the possible development of a media spot that could be tailored by congregations to use in local advertising markets.
- Those in attendance were invited to work with CMT Leader Mark Davis to videotape
their Faith Story for inclusion on the Ministry Council website ( and to encourage others in their various spheres of influence to record their stories as well. - MC President Mike Wilkinson offered closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned to convene on February 17 and 18, 2018 (Saturday and Sunday) for the Ministry Council Corporation Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors at the Cumberland Presbyterian Center, Cordova, TN.
Summaries of Action
- Summaries of Action
- February 20, 2022
- August 21, 2021
- February 21, 2021
- August 21, 2020
- February 21-22, 2020
- August 16-17, 2019
- February 16, 2019
- August 17-18, 2018
- February 18, 2018
- August 18-19, 2017
- February 24-25, 2017
- October 22-23, 2016
- April 15-16, 2016
- January 29-30, 2016
- August 21-23, 2015
- April 17-18, 2015
- January 30-31, 2015
- August 23-24, 2014
- April 25-26, 2014
- January 24-25, 2014
- August 24-25, 2013
- April 19-20, 2013
- January 25-26, 2013
- August 25-26, 2012
- April 20-21, 2012
- January 27-28, 2012
- August 27-28, 2011
- April 15-16, 2011
- January 28-29, 2011
- October 30-31, 2010
- August 6-7, 2010
- April 23-24, 2010
- February 5-6, 2010
- November 6-8, 2009
- August 29, 2009
- April 24-25, 2009
- January 23-24, 2009
- November 14-15, 2008
- August 1-2, 2008
- February 29-March 1st, 2008
- January 18-19, 2008
- November 8-10, 2007
- August 2-4, 2007