February 24-25, 2017
- The Ministry Council met Friday February 24, 2017 and Saturday February 25, 2017, at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Center Building One Conference Room.
- Thirteen of the twenty-one Ministry Council members and staff were present at the meeting. Members: Rev. Donny Acton, Karen Avery, Cameron Alderson, Ken Bean, Carla Bellis, Caleb Davis, Rev. Michele Gentry, Rev. Troy Green, Rev. Phillip Layne, Rev. Ron McMillan, Victory Moore, Rev. Tom Sanders, and Rev. Mike Wilkinson. Advisory Member: Dr. Dwayne Tyus, Moderator of the General Assembly. Also present: Director of Ministries Edith Busbee Old, PDMT Leader Rev. Chuck Brown, DMT Leader Rev. Elinor S. Brown, CMT Leader Mark J Davis, MMT Leader Rev. Dr. Milton Ortiz, and Director of Global Ministries Rev. Lynn Thomas.
- Worship was led by Milton Ortiz and other team leaders.
- Accounting Supervisor Dan Scherf shared an update on OUO and the Investment Loan Program.
- Ministry Team Cash Flow reports were received and discussed.
- Ron McMillan gave the results of the Ministry Team Member Online Evaluation.
- The Ministry Council heard a presentation from special guest Rev. Dr. Cindy Schwartz concerning clergy self-care.
- The Ministry Council heard a report from MMT Leader Milton Ortiz. Following the report the MC voted to recommend to General Assembly that the recommendations to General Assembly be adopted.
- The Ministry Council heard from Lynn Thomas concerning the proposed plan of union and its consequences upon global missions.
- The president appointed a committee composed of Lynn Thomas, Michele Gentry and Ken Bean to draft a recommendation to General Assembly soliciting it to consult with its boards and agencies as to how they would function in the united church, if the union of the two denominations is successful.
- Mike Wilkinson, Ken Bean, Ron McMillan and Karen Avery were elected to a committee to establish ideas to communicate directly with General Assembly related to the Ministry Council’s ideas concerning the proposed unification.
- The 2018 Proposed Comprehensive Budget was received, reviewed and adopted. Team Leaders and the Director of Ministries led discussions concerning the budget.
- Adopted “Parameters to Guide the Work of Our Ministry Teams” as a standard for all work done by the Ministry Teams.
- Directed DMT to investigate possible conferences/youth events in which to participate as possible replacements for the participation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in the Presbyterian Youth Triennium.
- Troy Green presented a “Report of the Servant Empowered Leadership Taskforce”.
- Voted to recommend to General Assembly that all future General Assembly hosting sites have high speed, hard-wired internet access in the main meeting room, and that this condition be included in the contract negotiations with the host venue. This will enable audio and video streaming.
- Voted to recommend to the General Assembly a change in the Ministry Council Bylaws to allow for called meetings.
- Tom Sanders elected as Ministry Council representative to the 2017 General Assembly, and Lanny Johnson elected as alternate.
- Ron McMillan elected as MC Representative to the OUO Committee and Troy Green as alternate.
- Following “Hot Topic” discussion concerning the plight of the small churches of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the Council went into Executive Session.
- Voted to establish a policy that if an employee is granted long-term leave or a change in employment status such as a termination or resignation, elected Ministry Council members shall be informed within two business days by the Director of Ministries.
- Voted to establish a policy that if a Ministry Council elected member resigns, or requests to be excused from a meeting, the Secretary and or other officer, shall inform the elected Ministry Council members within two business days.
- Tom Sanders presented the Budget Evaluation Subcommittee.
- Discussion was held concerning developing better habits of communication among the members of the Ministry Council.
- Heard from CMT Leader Mark Davis concerning the topics of upcoming articles in The Cumberland Presbyterian Magazine.
- Elected Phillip Layne to serve on the Nominating Committee.
- The Ministry Council recognized Caleb Davis, Michele Gentry and Tom Sanders, departing members of the Ministry Council.
Summaries of Action
- Summaries of Action
- February 20, 2022
- August 21, 2021
- February 21, 2021
- August 21, 2020
- February 21-22, 2020
- August 16-17, 2019
- February 16, 2019
- August 17-18, 2018
- February 18, 2018
- August 18-19, 2017
- February 24-25, 2017
- October 22-23, 2016
- April 15-16, 2016
- January 29-30, 2016
- August 21-23, 2015
- April 17-18, 2015
- January 30-31, 2015
- August 23-24, 2014
- April 25-26, 2014
- January 24-25, 2014
- August 24-25, 2013
- April 19-20, 2013
- January 25-26, 2013
- August 25-26, 2012
- April 20-21, 2012
- January 27-28, 2012
- August 27-28, 2011
- April 15-16, 2011
- January 28-29, 2011
- October 30-31, 2010
- August 6-7, 2010
- April 23-24, 2010
- February 5-6, 2010
- November 6-8, 2009
- August 29, 2009
- April 24-25, 2009
- January 23-24, 2009
- November 14-15, 2008
- August 1-2, 2008
- February 29-March 1st, 2008
- January 18-19, 2008
- November 8-10, 2007
- August 2-4, 2007