August 25-26, 2012
- The Ministry Council met Saturday and Sunday, August 25-26, 2012, at Colonial Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN, in both joint and concurrent sessions with the Ministry Teams. An Orientation was held on Friday afternoon August 24 for new Ministry Council and Elected Ministry Team Members at the Cumberland Presbyterian Center, Cordova, TN.
- Participated in a fellowship dinner for Ministry Council Members Friday evening. Ministry Team Leaders hosted evening meals for their respective Teams as team-building events.
- Joint sessions included Saturday morning devotional, Saturday lunch at Colonial, Saturday dinner at Lichterman Nature Center, Saturday evening activities and Sunday morning discussion led by Troy Green on the theme “Spirited Leadership.” Additionally, Sunday morning joint session included reports from each Team and from the Council followed by worship with Colonial Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
- Twenty of the twenty-two Ministry Council members were present. Members: Sally Allen, Jill Carr, Mary Ann Cole, Michele Gentry de Correal, Troy Green, Carlton Harper, Elizabeth Horsley, Lanny Johnson, Ron McMillan, Gwen Roddye, Sam Romines, Tom Sanders, Lisa Scott, Roy Shanks (Excused: Mandy Clark.); Advisory Members: Robert Rush, Mike Sharpe, Don Tabor; Youth Advisory Members: Ethan Morgan, Madison Rush (Excused: Sebastian Phillips). Director of Ministries: Edith Old. Also present: Megan Warren.Forty Elected and Staff Ministry Team members were present on Saturday.Eighteen Elected and Staff Ministry Council / Ministry Team members participated in the Friday orientation.
- Elected Officers: Lisa Scott, Chairperson; Sam Romines, 1st Vice Chairperson, Troy Green, 2nd Vice Chairperson; Gwen Roddye, Secretary; Elizabeth Horsley, Assistant Secretary.Expressed gratitude to outgoing President Carlton Harper and outgoing Secretary Elizabeth Horsley for their faithful leadership and commitment.
- Heard financial status report from Dan Scherf, Accounting Supervisor. At this time, 26 Our United Outreach distributions have been made for this year, compared to 28 distributions made during the same time frame in 2011. Contribution period for 2012 OUO will end January 15, 2013. All contributions must be received by that date to be counted toward 2012. OUO income is down compared to this time last year, but investment gains are up from this time last year.The Contingency loan was paid off in July, 2012, and funds are now being directed to retire the debt on the Church Center loans, with an anticipated December 2013 date for completion of repayment. At that time, funds will be directed to pay off Building and Maintenance loans on Union Avenue property, followed by repayment of computer loan. The anticipated repayment date of all outstanding loans is December 2014.
- Heard the report of the outgoing Ministry Council President Carlton Harper, encouraging members to prayerfully consider the responsibility of the Ministry Council and guiding members through the covenant process.
- Heard the report of the Director of Ministries, Edith Old, encouraging Council members to actively take information back to Presbyteries and churches about the work of the Ministry Council. Noted the availability of Christmas and all-occasion cards with original artwork, the sale of which benefits the Ministry Council. Heard the Director of Ministries’ plan to attend the two presbyteries which she has not previously visited and her quest to visit as many Cumberland Presbyterian congregations with non-Cumberland Presbyterian pastors as possible. The Director welcomes invitations to meet with congregations or groups.
- Heard the Director’s report of the day-long All Hands Meeting retreat for Ministry Council and Ministry Team staff, held June 26 at Wall Doxey State Park, Mississippi. The “Step Out” program is the topic for the next All-Hands meeting to be held in October.
- Received chart from the Stated Clerk’s office showing planned attendance at fall meetings of presbytery by Denominational Staff.
- In response to the Director of Ministries report, took the following actions:
- Appointed a subcommittee to consider current mileage reimbursement rate.
- Appointed a subcommittee to continue to explore alternate ways to enhance participation by youth/young adult MC members.
- Appointed a subcommittee to review and recommend policy related to employment of Ministry Council/ Ministry Team staff who reside/work outside Memphis metro area.
- Appointed a subcommittee to design and help implement an effective alternate survey method for the general church, in light of low response to previous MC survey.
- Voted to set aside time in January meeting for discussion of what recommendations MC can make to General Assembly to promote a servant-empowered organizational structure denomination-wide.
- Welcomed Rev. J. Don Clark, representing the Evaluation Committee appointed to evaluate the denominational restructure, who described the process the Committee used to address effectiveness of the organization and implementation of the restructure. Participated in a question/ answer/ discussion session about General Assembly actions regarding Ministry Council. Appointed a sub-committee to meet with the Evaluation Committee to continue the dialogue about a process for implementation of GA actions. Agreed to invite the Evaluation Committee to participate in a joint meeting with the Ministry Council during the regularly scheduled January meeting of the Ministry Council.
- Assigned Ministry Council Members to meet with Ministry Teams during Saturday afternoon session.
- Agreed to set aside time in April meeting to begin discussion of the vision of ministry and ways to clarify and strengthen our transition as a denomination toward a servant model of organization.
- Heard a report from the Salary and Benefits subcommittee and adopted its recommendations for giving cost of living allowance raises or compensatory time for Ministry Council Staff in 2014 and 2015.
- Noted the following upcoming opportunities:
- The Forum—Leader development event November 4-7, 2012 in Memphis, TN.
- The 2013 Ministers Conference—January 22-24, at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Olive Branch, MS.
- The Event: Elder Training—Each Saturday from February 2, 2013 through March 2, held in 23 regions; a 4-hour leadership event to help train sessions and pastors.
- Responded to General Assembly directives with the following actions:
- Vision of Ministry and Priority Goals of the General Assembly: Continued “Spirited Leadership” study in preparation for visioning/ goal setting at April meeting.
- Enhanced Denominational Communication: Previewed The Missionary Messenger in a new format.
- Responded to directives from General Assembly related to the Report of the Evaluation Committee:
- Appointed MC members to Ministry Teams
- Made plans to provide current hiring policy to Evaluation Committee
- Made plans to provide current process for election of Team Members to Evaluation Committee
- Appointed a subcommittee to meet with Evaluation Committee to discuss additional processes for implementation of GA directives
- Made plans to invite Evaluation Committee to January meeting
- Adjourned to meet in joint/concurrent sessions with Ministry Teams, January 25-26, 2013, at the Center in Cordova.
Summaries of Action
- Summaries of Action
- February 20, 2022
- August 21, 2021
- February 21, 2021
- August 21, 2020
- February 21-22, 2020
- August 16-17, 2019
- February 16, 2019
- August 17-18, 2018
- February 18, 2018
- August 18-19, 2017
- February 24-25, 2017
- October 22-23, 2016
- April 15-16, 2016
- January 29-30, 2016
- August 21-23, 2015
- April 17-18, 2015
- January 30-31, 2015
- August 23-24, 2014
- April 25-26, 2014
- January 24-25, 2014
- August 24-25, 2013
- April 19-20, 2013
- January 25-26, 2013
- August 25-26, 2012
- April 20-21, 2012
- January 27-28, 2012
- August 27-28, 2011
- April 15-16, 2011
- January 28-29, 2011
- October 30-31, 2010
- August 6-7, 2010
- April 23-24, 2010
- February 5-6, 2010
- November 6-8, 2009
- August 29, 2009
- April 24-25, 2009
- January 23-24, 2009
- November 14-15, 2008
- August 1-2, 2008
- February 29-March 1st, 2008
- January 18-19, 2008
- November 8-10, 2007
- August 2-4, 2007