Interested in joining the Ministry Council?
Through the General Assembly nominations process, the denomination elects Cumberland Presbyterians to serve on the General Assembly Boards and Agencies including the Ministry Council. In order to be considered by the Nominating Committee of the General Assembly individuals must have on file in the Office of the General Assembly both a current personal data form and a current endorsement describing their experience and qualifications-clergy members must be endorsed by their respective presbytery, laypersons must be endorsed by their Pastor/Session.
Persons interested in serving on a particular denominational board or agency are encouraged to review the called to serve section of the Nominating Committee webpage. The Nominating Committee meets each spring to nominate qualified persons to fill all vacancies by vote of the General Assembly.
For those considering service on the Ministry Council: The work of the Council is enhanced by members with experience garnered from servant-empowered leadership; Persons committed to a unified approach to programming, incorporating the financial and human resources of all components of the Ministry Council and Ministry Teams. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, preferably gained at middle and higher judicatory levels, in four particular areas are most helpful:
- Visioning – The Ministry Council plays an important role in helping to implement the Cumberland Presbyterian Church’s vision for ministry. Creative thinkers and those with an appreciation of CP history tempered with a passion for moving into “new frontiers” are vital to the work of the Ministry Council, those who care for the past of the church as well as the future.
- Strategic Planning – The Ministry Council strives to ensure that all segments work on a common mission and duplications and gaps in the Church’s ministry are minimized. Results-oriented professionals with success as agents of change are very helpful.
- Leader Development – The Ministry Council focuses on programs to benefit the whole Church, that concentrate on leadership development, grooming new leaders and expanding ways of involving those who’ve left the Church and/or those who have deferred leadership to others, thus limiting the talent pool. Those with broad networks, who possess understanding and a gift for recruiting and encouraging, are especially helpful, as are those who work easily with all cultures, all ages and all types of people. Those highly regarded by the youth and young adults in the CP Church are a strong asset to the Ministry Council.
- Fund Development/Finance – The Ministry Council’s programs benefit from access to persons with professional experience in these two areas.
Communication Skills – Effective Council members are conduits of information, both sharing with and gathering from congregations, presbytery, synod and all related groups to support the Council and further the work of the Church. Effective Council members are comfortable in considering innovative communication technology to improve access for the whole church. Effective Council members understand the cultural and global diversity of the Church – Effective Council members demonstrate willingness to work with people of other cultures and languages; cross-cultural experience has proven helpful.
Ministry Council members are proactive advocates for and enthusiastic supporters of Our United Outreach to their respective congregation, presbytery and synod. Council members consistently assist Ministry Council staff to identify potential resources for additional income, through individual donations, endowments, estate planning, Second Mile promotion, grants or other appropriate sources. Council members give consideration to inclusion of the programs of the denomination via their annual benevolence.
Ministry Council members annually sign a Covenant that outlines their responsibilities. The average time commitment is eight hours per month including preparation for and attendance at meetings. All Council members are expected to participate in the planning and activities of at least one of the Ministry Teams or committees of the Ministry Council.
Financial Support:
Ministry Council members are proactive advocates for and enthusiastic supporters of OUO to their respective congregation, presbytery and synod. Council members consistently assist Ministry Council staff to identify potential resources for additional income, through individual donations, endowments, estate planning, Second Mile promotion, grants or other appropriate sources. Council members give consideration to inclusion of the programs of the denomination via their annual benevolence.
Time Requirement:
Ministry Council members annually sign a Covenant that outlines their responsibilities.
The average time commitment is eight hours per month including preparation for and attendance at meetings. All Council members are expected to participate in the planning and activities of at least one of the Ministry Teams or committees of the Ministry Council.
Recognizing that representation on the Council is both laity and clergy, and in an effort to approach a more equal sharing of the burden of taking time away from family and work, the Ministry Council has set one meeting a year to include a Sunday.
A half-day Orientation will be provided prior to the first meeting for new members each August.
There are two Ministry Council meetings held each year in/near the Denominational Center in Cordova, Tennessee: the third weekend (Saturday and Sunday) in February; and the third weekend in August (Friday and Saturday). The August meeting includes a formal Orientation for newly elected Ministry Council members and newly elected Ministry Team Members. Also in August, the Ministry Council and Teams meet in joint and concurrent sessions.
Non-attendance at 51% of the meetings within a church year will result in a Council member being replaced. (Attendance at both/all days of a meeting.)
Council members serve three-year terms which may be repeated up to a total of three consecutive terms. If a person elected to serve on a denominational entity, where residence in a particular synod is a qualification for election, shall move to another synod while in office, the term to which he or she was elected shall terminate at the close of the next meeting of the General Assembly.
While the General Assembly elects Ministry Council members, the Ministry Council elects members to serve on its four Ministry Teams. The Ministry Council follows a similar process of vetting elected members by requiring prospective Ministry Team members to have current personal data forms and appropriate endorsements.
- To submit an online personal data form related to possible service on the Ministry Council, please click here.
About Us
- Ministry Council
- Summaries of Action
- Bylaws
- Interested in joining the Ministry Council?
- Ministry Council Covenant
- Team Work Guidelines
- Elected Team Member Responsibilities
- 2021 Where We’ve Been
- 2020 Where We’ve Been
- 2019 Where We’ve Been
- 2018 Where We’ve Been
- 2017 Where We’ve Been
- 2016 Where We’ve Been
- 2015 Where We’ve Been
- 2014 Where We’ve Been
- 2013 Where We’ve Been
- 2012 Where We’ve Been
- Forms
- Ministry Council Greeting Cards
- Like Our Ministry Council Shirts?
- Confession of Faith
- Telling Our Stories
- Digest