Ministry Council Covenant
Following is the Covenant into which all members of the Ministry Council enter.
Welcome to the Ministry Council and thank you for agreeing to serve! The experience and gifts you bring to the Church through service on the Council are valued. We look forward to working with you! For the Glory of God, the Ministry Council seeks Christ’s specific vision for the Church, empowers the ministry of the Church and serves the Church through leadership.
Recognizing that service on the Ministry Council is a calling of God, I pledge my commitment to the following responsibilities:
Personal Leadership Development: As the leadership team of the Church the Ministry Council must be active, intentional, prayerful and committed to providing vision, resources, guidance, protection and ministry opportunities to the Church. Therefore Members select two or more personal leadership goals to focus on every year and evaluate themselves as leaders at least annually.
Attendance: Members will regularly attend meetings. In the event of an emergency, a written/email or phone call excuse must be received by the Secretary prior to the meeting. Non-attendance at 51% of the meetings within a General Assembly church year will be considered inappropriate stewardship of the Call and may result in a Council Member being replaced.
Communication: In meetings, Council Members will strive to reflect Christ-like respect, encouragement and care in listening to and sharing viewpoints. Outside of our meetings Council Members will be conduits of information, both sharing and gathering from congregations, presbytery, synod and individuals to further the work of the Church.
Confidentiality: Confidential information will be protected. Council Members will uphold this trust and not divulge to any person or group information that has been deemed confidential or temporarily withheld.
Financial Support: Council Members will be faithful stewards and enthusiastic supporters of Our United Outreach. We will be active advocates of OUO to our congregation, presbytery and synod. Council Members are encouraged to assist Ministry Council staff to identify potential resources for additional income through endowments, grants and other appropriate sources.
Length of Term: Council Members serve three-year terms which may be repeated up to a total of three consecutive terms. The term to which he or she is elected shall terminate at the close of the next meeting of the General Assembly. Since residing in a particular synod is a qualification for election, should a person move to another synod while in office, the person will be considered to have resigned at the time of the move.
Time Commitment: The average time commitment is eight hours per month including preparation for and attendance at meetings. This will vary according to the individual’s choice of areas of responsibility and the season. Council Members will actively participate in the planning and activities of at least one of the Ministry Teams or committees of the organization.
If I have any questions regarding my responsibilities or fulfilling them, I will call a member of the Executive Committee and/or the Director of Ministries. I understand my Call and have read and understand the responsibilities to which I am covenanting with God, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and members of the Ministry Council.
Date Revised 8/18/2017
About Us
- Ministry Council
- Summaries of Action
- Bylaws
- Interested in joining the Ministry Council?
- Ministry Council Covenant
- Team Work Guidelines
- Elected Team Member Responsibilities
- 2021 Where We’ve Been
- 2020 Where We’ve Been
- 2019 Where We’ve Been
- 2018 Where We’ve Been
- 2017 Where We’ve Been
- 2016 Where We’ve Been
- 2015 Where We’ve Been
- 2014 Where We’ve Been
- 2013 Where We’ve Been
- 2012 Where We’ve Been
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- Ministry Council Greeting Cards
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- Confession of Faith
- Telling Our Stories
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