Written by Wyatt Stephens
Revelation 3:20, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”
I think we can all agree that we don’t go a day without thinking we’re busy. We have to go to work, school, practice, or simply have plans that fill up each day. Most people ask me how is school going and my most common answer is, “Good, busy, but good.” As young adults, or really any person on the planet, our schedules fill up and we like it that way. However, this may not be a good thing. If I am busy all the time, how is it possible for me to build a relationship with anyone that I do not take time out to see? I believe that it is impossible. The more I think about it the more impossible it seems. Don’t believe me? Think about it like this:
However, this may not be a good thing. If I am busy all the time, how is it possible for me to build a relationship with anyone that I do not take time out to see? I believe that it is impossible. The more I think about it the more impossible it seems. Don’t believe me? Think about it like this:If you were trying to go see a movie with one of your friends or family members, would you just assume they know to meet you at the movie theater? Would you go to the theater and wait for thirty minutes then call them upset that they did not show? No, nobody would do this. We would get in touch with the person, figure out a time that works for both of us and then meet them there.
If you were trying to go see a movie with one of your friends or family members, would you just assume they know to meet you at the movie theater? Would you go to the theater and wait for thirty minutes then call them upset that they did not show? No, nobody would do this. We would get in touch with the person, figure out a time that works for both of us and then meet them there.
I tell you this brief little story to share with you one thing. The best way to build a relationship with Jesus is to speak with him. The best way to follow Jesus is to ask him where he would like you to go. Pray, read your bible, and live each day like he is walking right beside you and you will begin to build a stronger relationship with Jesus. The scripture at the beginning of this post says that he is already waiting knocking just dying for us to let him into our lives and build a relationship.
I know that it is hard to find time to devote entirely to Jesus. I am currently attempting to learn to integrate building a relationship with him into my life. The two best ways I have found are to use the time that I spend doing things that don’t take all of my focus, or setting a certain time each day to spend in prayer or reading my bible. One of my favorite times to spend in prayer is in the shower. I know it might sound like a strange place, but it is one place where I am totally alone and don’t really have to think about what I am doing. In this time I can pray about the upcoming day, the people in my life that need help, or guidance for my life.
Another way that helps me build my relationship with Christ is setting aside a certain time each day to spend with him that is specifically for him. I try not to make it like a set hour or minute but a time frame. I tell myself that this morning I need to give God his time, or tonight before I go to bed I need to spend some time with God. This allows me to not have a set time that is spent building my relationship with Christ but a rough estimate of when I read my bible or have extra prayer time. If I miss this time in my day or go several days without spending this time I can tell. It becomes hard for me do the things I need to. It makes my mood go sour. My whole perspective goes south and usually God has a way of showing me that I have missed my time for the day.
I think the best part about spending time with Christ is the more time I carve out the easier it is to carve more. It may seem hard, in the beginning, I know it was for me and still is some days, but it gets easier. It becomes this habit that you cannot break and don’t want to break. Because a great relationship with Christ just might be the best relationship you’ll ever have.
I don’t know many relationships that are easy to uphold. Although, the more time and effort we put into them the more meaningful they become. So, as the New Year begins to approach us rapidly and our busy lives continue. Clear your schedule for an old friend, he is knocking.
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