Stewardship becomes the way of living for Christians. Steadfastness is our key word because good stewards maintain a steady and lasting course. This is one difference between fund-raising and Christian giving. Modern institutions raise much money through the emotions of a fund-raising campaign, but the continued support depends on the steadfastness of Christian giving continuously.
Paul was apparently frustrated by some people who wanted the benefits of the Church without working to contribute. Here we have his famous quotation: “Anyone unwilling to work should not eat.” Paul criticized the idle as busybodies, not doing any work. He admonished them to work in quietness and to earn their own living. “Do not be weary in doing what is right.” Today, Paul might say, “Just do it!” Paul’s idea of Christian stewardship was not to ask one group to support people who could and should be supporting themselves.
Yet Paul was unwilling to place such people on an “enemies list.” Have nothing to do with them to shame those who were unwilling to work. But the person is still a believer whom you warn. For those who are faithful, Paul prayed the Lord to direct their hearts to the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ. Paul concluded with the benediction: “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.
The Lord be with all of you.” A steadfast steward is given even more responsibility and, at the same time, receives the gift of peace.
—Dr. Robert Craig
- Would you conclude from this teaching of Paul that there is a certain toughness about good stewards? Why or why not?
- Did Paul here mean that everyone who did not work was not to be fed? If not, who would be among the exceptions?
- Does it surprise you that those who were not living in the steadfastness of Christ were the ones who became the busybodies? Do you believe that Christ would have us to avoid the busybodies in modern times as well? Explain your answer.
- Does “do not be weary in doing what is right” mean we are to pretend that we don’t get tired or seek rest and renewal periodically?
How Do I Act?
- One activity you might consider is helping others build a home. Find out if there is a project near you and ask your class to join in this work. Call your local Habitat for Humanity in the area.
- Many churches involve members in a work project as a means of giving to good causes. Consider organizing a garage sale or a meal, the proceeds of which will be given to a chosen good cause.
- Paul asked the prayers of the people. This week make a special point to pray for your minister and those who minister throughout our denomination.
- Peace is a gift of God to the steadfast steward. Discuss how the peace of God can change a person. When hard working people are losing jobs, discuss how faithful stewardship can make a difference in their lives.
Photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash
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