- Rev. Dr. MICHAEL CLARK, Murfreesboro Presbytery, Tennessee Synod, to succeed himself for a three-year term.
- Mr. JUAN DAVID CORREA, Emaus Presbytery, Mission Synod, to succeed himself for a three-year term.
- Rev. DEREK JACKS, Grace Presbytery, Synod of the Southeast, for a three-year term.
- Ms. LORA KERNER, Covenant Presbytery, Midwest Synod, for a three-year term.
- Ms. ANGELICA POVEDA, Cauca Valley Presbytery, Mission Synod for a three-year term.
- Ms. AMY CRESSWELL, West Tennessee Presbytery, Great Rivers Synod for a one-year term.
- LAKE PORTER, Columbia Presbytery, Tennessee Synod, for a one-year term
- RYLEE ROGERS, Nashville Presbytery, Tennessee Synod, for a one-year term
- LACEY YOUNG, Robert Donnell Presbytery, Southeast Synod, for a second one-year term
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