Hear God’s Voice Calling You
Jodi Rush
This liturgy was adapted from the worship services from Children’s Fest 2016. It is based on 1 Samuel 3. You are invited to use this liturgy to celebrate and honor the families in your congregation.
Call to Worship
Leader: It is a good day to be here.
People: It is a good day to hear stories.
Leader: It is a good day to give thanks.
People: It is a good day to ask for help.
Leader: It is a good day to be in community.
People: It is a good day to worship God.
Holy God, we have gathered here today to worship you,
and to thank you for all you have given us.
Every tree, bird, flower, laugh, somersault, and song
comes from you and your great love for us.
Help us to show this love to one another, strangers and friends,
and guide us as we praise you today. Amen.
Call to Confession
God, we all want to be as good as we can be. But, none of us are perfect. One thing that Jesus tells us is that even when we mess up, we can talk to you about it, and you will forgive us. With that in our minds, we pray together.
Prayer of Confession (unison)
Dear God, we sometimes make bad choices.
Like when we say mean things,
And laugh at mean things other people say, just to fit in,
Like when we do things we know are wrong,
And tell fibs to get out of trouble,
Like when we want our way no matter what,
And stomp and yell when we don’t get it.
Forgive us.
Give us kind words, and the courage to say, “Stop being so mean!”
Help us do what is right even when it’s hard,
And the strength to admit when we mess up.
Help us see what others need, and the power to deliver it.
Show us better ways of acting.
Teach us to be a loving friend. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Hear this about God’s great love! Nothing we say or do stops God from loving us! God does not keep a record of our bad choices. God does not remember mean words or tantrums, but delights in every one of our kindnesses. God always loves us, and God’s love is forever! Amen.
Scripture Possibilities for the Sermon
- 1 Samuel 3:1-10
Now go into the rest of your day
a day of discovery,
a day to hear the voice of God calling you,
a day to learn that as a child of God,
even little things done in love of Jesus can make a big difference in the world.
As you explore, act, pray, learn, and enjoy your time together,
may God bless you
and may you hear God’s invitation to serve wherever you are in God’s world. Amen.
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