We are the Family of God
Nathan Wheeler
Call to Worship
As we gather today we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. As we look around we are taking back how God has provided us such a unique and diverse family. We are young, old, short, tall, men, women that together make up the family of God. We are reminded today that family at times conjures up significant memories that can be full of joy and pain. We gather today as one family of God hopeful that we are brought even closer to God and one another. Let us worship together. Amen.
Call to Confession
We as a family know that we don’t always love as we should, care as we should, have mercy as we should. We confess now together as one body our failures, our sin, to be who God has called us to be.
Prayer of Confession
Leader: We were called to rejoice when others rejoice
All: But many times we only celebrate when it’s our victory, our promotion, our own gain.
Leader: We are called to mourn when others mourn
All: But many times we are desensitized to the pain of others or don’t want it to ruin our day.
Leader: We are called to love ourselves
All: But many times we despise who we see in the mirror and even look to cause harm to ourselves and others.
Leader: We are called to join God in doing justice
All: But we so often are the unjust.
Leader: May we see our sin and seek forgiveness.
All: Forgive us, God.
All: Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Hear the good news, even in our sin, Christ died so that we may live anew. Believe the good news you are forgiven.
Prayer for Illumination
God we ask that you open up our hearts and minds today to hear you speak. Grant us the privilege of knowing more by stirring our curiosity today in this place.
Scripture Possibilities for the Sermon
- Luke 14:25-33
- Ephesians 3:14-19
- Matthew 12:46-50
Prayers of the People
Instructions for this time of prayer:
- Prior to worship service hand out pieces of paper and provide something to write with as people gather for worship.
- Ask folks to write down three things that they would like to pray for:
- Prayer for their community/town/city
- Prayer for their church family
- Prayer for themselves
- Once they have written down their prayer (maybe have an offering of music to give time for folks to write their prayers) tell them to bring them to the altar.
- Invite them when the service is over to come to the front and pick up someone else’s piece of paper and offer prayers on their behalf during the week.
- Tell them to bring it back next week and lay it on the altar so someone else can pick it up and pray for them that week.
At the end of this time offer this prayer:
God help us to pray. Give us the confidence and assurance that what we pray matters. Move our hearts and minds to care for the people around us. Move our hands and feet to help those in need. Move our mouths to speak up for justice.
Invitation to the Offering
In our gratefulness for God and God’s extravagant grace we offer up our time, talent, and our resources as an offering. We know that this doesn’t earn God’s favor but it is rather a gesture of our gratefulness.
Offertory Prayer
Bountiful God of grace, we come now with our offerings that we pray will go from us to do great things in your kingdom. Thank you for your surrounding love for us all. We give in gratitude and in awe of you. Amen.
Charge and Benediction
May we, the family of God,
Remember to go from this place with our hearts open to the leanings of the Holy Spirit.
May we find the places where you are and join in.
May the peace of God and love of all of God’s children
Grow in us and overflow through us each day. Amen.
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