Family Sunday
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
Leader: In the early church, all ages worshipped together.
People: All people prayed, served, shared, learned, and ate meals together because they were a family—God’s family.
Leader: Families come in all shapes and sizes—even one person can be a family.
People: We come together as a church family—praying, serving, sharing, learning, and even sometimes eating.
Leader: As we come together to praise God’s name above anything else, let us remember that we come as a family,
People: Needing to be guided, needing to be supported, needing to be loved.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
As we gather today we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. As we look around we are taking back how God has provided us such a unique and diverse family. We are young, old, short, tall, men, women that together make up the family of God. We are reminded today that family at times conjures up significant memories that can be full of joy and pain. We gather today as one family of God hopeful that we are brought even closer to God and one another. Let us worship together. Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
Leader: It is a good day to be here.
People: It is a good day to hear stories.
Leader: It is a good day to give thanks.
People: It is a good day to ask for help.
Leader: It is a good day to be in community.
People: It is a good day to worship God.
—Jodi Rush
You are all part of Christ’s body in the world!
Many: We are the church, and the church is Christ’s body!
By ourselves and together we can serve God!
One: Children, youth, and adults all have different gifts,
We have special gifts only we can offer.
Many: We celebrate our gifts from God.
We want to use what we have to give God praise!
One: All of you are special and one of a kind!
God gave you something different than God gave anybody else!
Many: We will use our gifts, the way God has made us,
To serve God through Jesus!
—Jodi Rush
Leader: We live our lives each day looking for a way out of the darkness of the world.
People: God provides a lamp, lighting the path for our journey through the darkness.
Leader: Along the journey, we add unforgettable memories of a life filled with joys and sorrows.
People: We gather stones, mementos, along the way as a reminder from where we have come.
Leader: At times, the journey has been challenging for the world is uncertain.
People: Yet, knowing that God’s love abounds, serves as an anchor of hope for the future.
Leader: And that hope is made alive when Jesus enters our lives and our families.
People: Each time we break the bread, we are reminded of the magnitude of God’s love.
Leader: It is God’s love and Christ’s gift of grace that transform us.
People: Like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon, we spread our wings with a joyous celebration.
Leader: Yet we also hear a voice calling us to share the gift we have received.
People: We are now those casting our nets into the fish-filled waters wanting to share a message.
Leader: It is a message that inspires, challenges, and brings us to this time of worship.
People: It is the message that the cross is empty, that death is defeated and God’s faithfulness never ends.
—Kip Rush
Holy God, we have gathered here today to worship you,
and to thank you for all you have given us.
Every tree, bird, flower, laugh, somersault, and song
comes from you and your great love for us.
Help us to show this love to one another, strangers and friends,
and guide us as we praise you today. Amen.
—Jodi Rush
Awesome, beautiful, and holy God, you have asked all your people to follow you. You have made us all different from each other. We have different hair colors, different eye colors, different things we are good at, different needs. We are each totally special and one of a kind. We want to use what we are to worship you. We want to be a part of the family of God, Jesus’ body in the world. We know that the body of Christ is not complete unless all God’s children are a part. Help us to offer ourselves as parts of the family of God. Help us to learn together how we can all be a part of your beautiful dream for the world. Allow your Spirit to be with us now. Let it lead us in worship. Let it lead us to become members of your family and part of your dream for all the world. Amen.
—Jodi Rush
In the Old Testament and even in Jesus’ time, many people believed that people were punished by the sins of their family members, either their children or their parents. But we know that it is our task to repent of our own sins, not those of our family. Let us come as individuals to confess our sins to God and with others so we have the opportunity to be washed clean.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
We as a family know that we don’t always love as we should, care as we should, have mercy as we should. We confess now together as one body our failures, our sin, to be who God has called us to be.
—Nathan Wheeler
God, we all want to be as good as we can be. But, none of us are perfect. One thing that Jesus tells us is that even when we mess up, we can talk to you about it, and you will forgive us. With that in our minds, we pray together.
—Jodi Rush
Leader 1: We all make mistakes. Sometimes we make bad choices. God understands.
When we admit our sins to God, we can be sure God will forgive us.
—Jodi Rush
God’s love, God’s compassion and God’s faithfulness are always being given to us as a gift to open. We know that all we have to do is turn away from our sin and receive this gift. Let us confess our sins to God.
—Kip Rush
O God, we may say we are a family, but we don’t always act in loving ways towards others. We gossip about our friends when we should be lending a helping hand to them. We let bullies take advantage of our families and friends because it is easier than getting involved. We allow children in our community to be neglected and abused when it is our privilege to care for them. We stand silently by waiting for someone else to raise a cry for justice. We are just too busy or apathetic or tired. Forgive us for our sins of commission and omission. Give us the strength and courage to do what we are able and the will to do what we feel is impossible. For we know in you all things are possible. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
Leader: We were called to rejoice when others rejoice
All: But many times we only celebrate when it’s our victory, our promotion, our own gain.
Leader: We are called to mourn when others mourn
All: But many times we are desensitized to the pain of others or don’t want it to ruin our day.
Leader: We are called to love ourselves
All: But many times we despise who we see in the mirror and even look to cause harm to ourselves and others.
Leader: We are called to join God in doing justice
All: But we so often are the unjust.
Leader: May we see our sin and seek forgiveness.
All: Forgive us, God.
All: Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
Dear God, we sometimes make bad choices.
Like when we say mean things,
And laugh at mean things other people say, just to fit in,
Like when we do things we know are wrong,
And tell fibs to get out of trouble,
Like when we want our way no matter what,
And stomp and yell when we don’t get it.
Forgive us.
Give us kind words, and the courage to say, “Stop being so mean!”
Help us do what is right even when it’s hard,
And the strength to admit when we mess up.
Help us see what others need, and the power to deliver it.
Show us better ways of acting.
Teach us to be a loving friend. Amen.
—Jodi Rush
Leader 2: We see people who need help.
Leader 3: Sometimes we choose to help, but sometimes we don’t.
All: We are sorry, God. Please forgive us.
Leader 1: We know people who are left out.
Leader 2: Sometimes we include them, but sometimes we don’t.
All: We are sorry, God. Please forgive us.
Leader 3: We meet people who seem different.
Leader 1: Sometimes we try to get to know them, but sometimes we don’t.
All: We are sorry, God. Please forgive us.
Leader 2: We get chances to work together with others.
Leader 3: Sometimes we work together well, but sometimes we don’t.
All: We are sorry, God. Please forgive us.
—Jodi Rush
God, why is it so hard to say we are sorry. We know we are not perfect. We know that we don’t do everything right, but it is still hard to be wrong.
God, when we hurt other people, forgive us.
When we don’t help others when we know we can and should, forgive us.
When we waste food and drinks, and energy and mess up your world, forgive us.
Just like our family, God, when we say we are sorry, you hear us and love us and forgive us.
Help us to be like to other people and forgive them too. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
—Kip Rush
God assures us that if we repent, God is faithful and just and will forgive us of all our sins. Friends believe the good news. Our sins are forgiven, and we are welcomed back into the family of God. Thanks be to God. Amen.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
Hear the good news, even in our sin, Christ died so that we may live anew. Believe the good news you are forgiven.
—Nathan Wheeler
Hear this about God’s great love! Nothing we say or do stops God from loving us! God does not keep a record of our bad choices. God does not remember mean words or tantrums, but delights in every one of our kindnesses. God always loves us, and God’s love is forever! Amen.
—Jodi Rush
Leader 1: God is sad when we sin, but glad when we trust enough to admit our sin.
Leader 2: We are part of the Body of Christ and part of God’s family.
Leader 3: We are happy to know that God loves us and forgives us!
All: Thank you, God!
—Jodi Rush
Let’s say thanks to God because God forgives us if we say we are sorry. This is good news and something we should really cheer about. Believe this good news. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Hallelujah! Amen.
—Kip Rush
Prop Needed: A Welcome Mat
This week we are celebrating something very special. We are celebrating Family Week in our Church. I want to talk to you about how important families are. Families help us in many ways. Families help to nurture us and teach us. Families help us to grow.
Have you ever seen one of these (Welcome mat)? What do we call it? This is a welcome mat. Why do we have welcome mats at our door? They help to remind us to wipe our feet before entering the house, but what else does it help us to say? It helps us say that we want people to feel welcome as they enter our home. Have you ever thought about the Church that way? Do you think that visitors feel welcomed when they come to church? Do you ever bring a friend with you to Church? Have you ever noticed when we have visitors at church, many people will go and shake their hand to welcome them to our Church?
All people are welcomed into the Church no matter their age, or size, or how they are dressed. Do you ever think about the fact that this building, which we call, “the Church” is actually God’s house and it doesn’t really belong to us? Since it is God’s House, it belongs to God. Since this is God’s house and everyone is welcome to come here, then all who gather in God’s house are a part of God’s family. Did you ever think about how those of us who come here are a part of God’s family? We are! We gather here to worship God as children of God and that makes all of us a part of God’s family. We love one another and care for one another just like family because we are family, and that is what God wants us to do for one another as a part of the family of God.
Prayer: God, thank you for welcoming us into your family. Help us to be your faithful children and to honor you by welcoming all your children as brothers and sisters. Help us to learn what it means to be a part of your family as we celebrate Family Week. In the name of your Son and our brother Jesus, we pray. Amen.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
Items Needed: Family Portrait, Church pictorial directory, Mirror
When the children arrive, pull out a family portrait. (If you can find one of your family when you were a child, use that.) Ask them who is in the picture and what each person’s responsibilities might be. Ask them what they see in the picture. Ask, “What do our families teach us about?”
Then pull out the church directory. Show pictures of the church family. (If the church doesn’t have a directory, point to the people sitting in the pews.) Talk about all the people that make up the church family. Then ask “What are the responsibilities of the church?” Ask, “What does our church teach us about?”
Discuss that both of our “families” have somewhat different roles. Yet, they also have a similar role. Ask, “What is the one thing we should learn from both?” (Hopefully, you can guide them into saying, “Learn about God and Jesus.”) Ask “And how do they teach us?” (By loving us, praying for us, teaching us, taking time for us, etc.)
Then pull out the mirror and say, “now what do you see?” When they see themselves and say, “ME!” Say something like, “Right, and you know who else we see? We see God, IN YOU! You have a part in the family as well, to help in sharing God with everyone.”
God is with us every day and we want others to know that we are part of a very special family.
—Kip Rush
Just as the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples at Pentecost, so Holy Spirit, we ask that you now descend on us. Bring the truth of this scripture to light and our minds open to hear and see it, so we might give life to it in the days to come. Amen.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
God we ask that you open up our hearts and minds today to hear you speak. Grant us the privilege of knowing more by stirring our curiosity today in this place.
—Nathan Wheeler
God, open our ears so we can hear what you would like to say to us through the Bible and the preacher. Amen.
—Jodi Rush
God, help us to hear the message that you have for us in this scripture. Open our ears to listen and open our hearts to act in your name. Amen.
—Kip Rush
- Acts 2:42-47
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
- Luke 14:25-33
- Ephesians 3:14-19
- Matthew 12:46-50
—Nathan Wheeler
- 1 Samuel 3:1-10
—Jodi Rush
- 1 Corinthians 12: 12 & 27
—Jodi Rush
- Lamentations 3:22-23—In Lamentations, we read that God’s faithfulness to us never ends—in fact, it is renewed every day. For seven days, using seven everyday objects, households of all shapes and sizes are invited to find God In Every Day.
—Kip Rush
Instructions for this time of prayer:
- Prior to worship service hand out pieces of paper and provide something to write with as people gather for worship.
- Ask folks to write down three things that they would like to pray for:
- Prayer for their community/town/city
- Prayer for their church family
- Prayer for themselves
- Once they have written down their prayer (maybe have an offering of music to give time for folks to write their prayers) tell them to bring them to the altar.
- Invite them when the service is over to come to the front and pick up someone else’s piece of paper and offer prayers on their behalf during the week.
- Tell them to bring it back next week and lay it on the altar so someone else can pick it up and pray for them that week.
At the end of this time offer this prayer:
God help us to pray. Give us the confidence and assurance that what we pray matters. Move our hearts and minds to care for the people around us. Move our hands and feet to help those in need. Move our mouths to speak up for justice.
—Nathan Wheeler
Loving God, we enter this week with a special focus on families. You have blessed us with so many different families.
Those we call mommy and daddy, grandma and pawpaw.
Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and the rest.
Those whose love shelters us, protects us, and gives us life.
People who read us books before bed, spoil us when we visit and even discipline us when we need it. They cry with us, laugh with us and hold us.
Those we call our church.
Teachers and pastors and elders and friends.
Those who make a commitment at our baptism to help us learn more about you and your son, Jesus. They give their time to lead us in worship or make special crafts with us, sing songs with us and pray with us. They encourage us, teach us and inspire us.
Those we call friends.
Boys and girls, men and women who stand beside us when we feel alone.
People who care enough to accept our faults, keep us accountable and hold our hands. They comfort us, walk with us and accept us.
These are the people who help shape our lives and who embody your love and grace. They aren’t perfect, nor are we, but it is through them, O God, we encounter you every day.
And so, we pray with hearts filled with the touch of those we call family.
In the name of our loving Savior, Amen.
—Kip Rush
By breathing spirit into dirt, God created something new.
God created humanity.
Humans gave birth to more humans.
Families were naturally born.
God blessed Abraham and Sarah with a child when they were old.
From this family was born the people of Israel.
The prophets called the people of Israel children of God.
Israel became God’s adopted family.
Like a parent with a child, God let Israel grow and blossom.
Israel loved being God’s adopted child.
Even when the child fell, and Israel seemed to fall often, God was always there to hold their hand.
God’s family is an accepting and forgiving family.
Within God’s adopted family was born his son, Jesus.
Something new was happening in God’s family.
Jesus called all, women and men, his sisters and brothers.
God’s family became inclusive through Jesus’ love.
Today, our families embody those naturally born into the family, those who are adopted into the family, and those who are included through love into the family.
Our families are like God’s family.
Imagination and love is the only guide to what a family may look like.
Our families are like God’s family.
God’s family is inclusive, accepting, and forgiving.
May our families be like God’s family.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
In response to all the wonderful gifts that God has given us, let us bring to God our tithes and offerings.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
In our gratefulness for God and God’s extravagant grace we offer up our time, talent, and our resources as an offering. We know that this doesn’t earn God’s favor but it is rather a gesture of our gratefulness.
—Nathan Wheeler
Each of us is an important part of the Body of Christ—the church. And that’s exciting!
Not only is each of us an important part, but we also get to care for one another.
Think about the things that you are good at.
God asks us to use those things to live faithfully—
to be the church by caring for one another and God’s world.
Talk to God about the ways you can use your gifts to care for others.
—Jodi Rush
What is it that we bring to give to God? Everyday things—money that we use to buy the things we need, sometimes food that we eat, sometimes ourselves. Let’s collect those everyday things up and present them to God so God can use them for a new thing.
—Kip Rush
O God who is the giver of good gifts,
We are grateful for these gifts. As we bring these gifts together, may you multiply them to meet the needs of your family. Amen.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
Bountiful God of grace, we come now with our offerings that we pray will go from us to do great things in your kingdom. Thank you for your surrounding love for us all. We give in gratitude and in awe of you. Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
Thank you for the gift of your church and for the ways you have made each of us to be able to serve you through the church. We offer ourselves to you. Show us how to live faithfully and how to use ourselves to serve and love others. Amen.
—Jodi Rush
O God, we bring you these things that we use every day and hope that in bringing them to you that you will make them into things that can help other people. Bless them and help us use them to bless others. Amen.
—Kip Rush
We are all God’s children. We are all sisters and brothers. We are all family.
Go forth this day in the embracing love of God, the accepting grace of Jesus and the forgiving power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
—Stephanie Scrudder Brown
May we, the family of God,
Remember to go from this place with our hearts open to the leanings of the Holy Spirit.
May we find the places where you are and join in.
May the peace of God and love of all of God’s children
Grow in us and overflow through us each day. Amen.
—Nathan Wheeler
Now go into the rest of your day
a day of discovery,
a day to hear the voice of God calling you,
a day to learn that as a child of God,
even little things done in love of Jesus can make a big difference in the world.
As you explore, act, pray, learn, and enjoy your time together,
may God bless you
and may you hear God’s invitation to serve wherever you are in God’s world. Amen.
—Jodi Rush
Go into the world and your neighborhoods and do the things that God needs to be done.
Feel the love of God, the compassion of Christ and the renewal of the Holy Spirit in all that you do. They are with you always. Amen.
—Kip Rush