Slow your breathing and become aware of the taking in and letting out of your breath. Focus on putting things aside so you will be open to what God is saying to you today.
The words in this passage in Ephesians were apparently a letter written to a church where there was lying, anger and strife among the members. Letters were written back and forth between the churches and Paul and the others who wrote instruction to the people. We only have the opportunity to read one side of the conversation. But it seems obvious to me that the leaders of the church in Ephesus were writing saying, “Help! These people can’t get along. Tell them to stop!” And the scripture does just that. The verse does not say we should never get angry as even Jesus got angry, righteous anger. Remember he turned the tables over in the temple because the money changers were cheating the people. But the scripture does say not to let your anger fester and grow. Get rid of it before the day is done. And treat one another with respect and love. Build each other up; not tear each other down. Building each other up is a good idea, not just in church, but in our daily walk as well. As the t-shirts at our church say, “Just be Kind!”
Dear Lord, we too often spend our days harboring thoughts of anger or ill will toward someone. We tear people down rather than build them up. Please forgive us. Please help us be more Christ like and just be kind. Amen.
Go with God.
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