Let yourself become open to God and the knowledge that comes from the Word. Ask God for peace at this time.
God’s power over sin and death.
When we think that we are better than anyone, or if we go to a certain denomination, we are going to heaven and those who are not members of our church are going to hell (yes, there are some denominations who teach this doctrine); we are no better than the Jews who were against Gentiles. Everyone has a sinful nature. Redemption made it possible for human beings to be brought from death to life. Without God, people are spiritually dead; totally unable to meet the requirements of the divine law.
God cannot approve of sin if he is to remain righteous. God is not hostile toward those he has created. He loved us and made possible our reconciliation to himself. Had he decided to destroy his stubborn, unmanageable children, he would have been justified. Nothing could have averted the catastrophe. Love led to mercy, God’s compassion for the helpless. Through Christ, he showed his power over sin and death. God made us alive in Christ. Christ’s renewal and restoration of life was by an act of God’s power.
Holy Father, forgive me when I think more of myself than I should, so I can love souls who need you. Amen.
Go with God.
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