Prepare yourself to discern what is and what is not of God today. Still yourself so you can hear how God is calling you.
In the last few years, researchers have shown a link between smells and memory. If you are a Christian and attended church on a regular basis, you already knew this. How many countless Sundays, as a child, did you suffer through the final 10 minutes of the pastor’s sermon while the smell of the potluck waffled over the congregation? Then when you walk into your local Piggly Wiggly, Kroger, or Food Giant be transported instantly to those moments, just because of that smell of fried chicken. Humans love good smells and good memories. Research also suggests that pleasant smells result in less anxiety and overall mental health. But the reverse is also true. Smells can trigger anxiety and fear when they are unpleasant or associated with bad things in our lives.
The smell of a potluck is the closest I can think of for protestants and the use of smells in the worship service. In the Old Testament and early New Testament times (also, many churches today continue the practice) incense was used in worship services. You can find the first commanded use in Exodus 30. The Israelites were to be a holy people that conducted themselves with integrity. They were children of God and they were to walk in love. The altar of incense was to be a physical manifestation of God’s holy children offering up their prayers to God.
More often than not, it didn’t work out that way. Throughout the Bible, the Israelites failed to walk in love but continued to perform the sacrifice on the altar of incense. In Isaiah, we read God saying to the Israelites, “Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me.”
The challenge remains, when we pray today, are our lives giving off a pleasant fragrance to God, or are our prayers disconnected from our lives? In this verse, we are able to reflect if the church is acting more like the Pharisees or more like Jesus Christ. More particularly, are you?
Lord, help me to live a life that is pleasing to You. Amen
Go with God.
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