Pay attention to the tension in your body. Let go of it and any expectations to do anything other than God’s will today. Prepare yourself to hear God’s word.
Psalm 50:1-6
“Gather to me this consecrated people, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.” (Psalm 50:5) Gather- a word of hope for people living through a pandemic. Don’t you miss gathering? As much as we complain about crowds, we probably now will all have a little extra patience when the day comes that we again will be able to gather and find ourselves with large numbers of people. I must confess, I missed not having a large family gathering at Thanksgiving and Christmas this past year. I missed gathering with 102,455 fans in Neyland Stadium cheering on my Tennessee Vols. I’ve missed carrying busloads of students on school field trips and sporting events. I’ve missed groups gathering for church camps this past year. I’ve missed being at pastor’s conferences and gathering with my CP family at General Assembly this past year. I’ve missed gathering with the majority of our local congregation each Sunday. God created us as social beings and we are all looking forward to the time when we can gather safely with large groups once again. Until then, let us hear the reminder from the Psalmist that God is in control, and will gather us again.
Almighty God, when things in life seem to be spiraling out of control, we know that you are still in control. Thank you, for being our rock, our anchor, and for the assurance that you are in control at all times. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Go with God!
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