Let yourself become open to God and the knowledge that comes from the Word. Ask God for peace at this time.
Numbers 22: 22-28
I read our scripture as was not surprised by the fact that God opened the mouth of Balaam’s donkey. God, from the beginning, has used unordinary things to get humanity’s attention. However I was disturbed by the fact Balaam got so angry with his donkey that he beats him three times. Animal cruelty alone was enough to upset me but I was more upset with Balaam for not realizing that God was trying to get his attention. With that being said, I wonder how long it has taken sometimes for God to get our attention and how often have we misplaced our anger on innocent animals and people.
Have you ever misplaced your anger? I certainly have and innocent people were hurt.
You would have thought after three encounters with an angel of the Lord that God would have gotten his attention. If we are honest, there have been times in our own lives when God sent an angel of the Lord to us and it took more than three times for God to get our attention.
Now before starting my day, I ask God to show me, reveal to me, what I am to do to honor and glorify You through the day. Then patiently I wait, I stop talking and listen for God’s still small voice to speak. May it be so with you.
God, we are so grateful for Your goodness and steadfast love for us, for your patience and for the continued outpouring of Your grace upon our lives for those moments in which fail to see that it is You who is trying to get our attention in order for us to carry out Your will in the world. Amen
Go with God!
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