Prepare yourself to discern what is and what is not of God today. Still yourself so you can hear how God is calling you.
Jeremiah 19:1-15
To really understand this passage it’s best to back and read Jeremiah 18 as well. God is illustrating to Judah (through Jeremiah) that when the people of God reject His Word and His counsel that they put themselves in a position to be scattered. The people didn’t like this message so they plotted to “devise plans against Jeremiah.” (Jeremiah 18:18)
In our reading today, God promises that because the people have forsaken Him they will be turned inward on themselves and that God would cause them to “eat the flesh of their sons and daughters.” (Jeremiah 19:9) Confession of Faith 7.06 tells us that God’s judgement is experienced when people engage in war, civil strife, slavery, oppression, destruction of natural resources, and political and economic exploitation. We also read in that section that “God abhors all such acts which cause needless suffering and death.” In our world where there are riots in the street, people senselessly kill one another, and babies are put to death in abortion clinics, it’s hard not to see the world that Jeremiah was speaking of.
So, what can we do? We can remember God. We can repent by turning from our sin and turning to Jesus. By doing so, we will become points of light in a dark culture that seeks it’s own personal gain through the slaughter of innocent lives.
“I’d say, in 100 years, if Christians are people identified as those who do not kill their children or their elderly, we would have been doing something right.” – Stanley Hauerwas
Gracious God, give us life and grant us repentance as we seek to follow Your Son in the midst of a world that rejects Him. Let us, as the Church, be a place of peace and safety where people who seek truth can find hope and sanity. In His name, we pray. Amen.
Go with God!
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