Prepare yourself to discern what is and what is not of God today. Still yourself so you can hear how God is calling you.
1 Praise the Lord, all you nations!
Extol him, all you peoples!
2 For great is his steadfast love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord!
In today’s text, we are instructed to worship the Lord. Now just for a moment, I want us to think of ways that we worship the Lord. Without a doubt, we worship him by going to church on Sunday. However, do you take time to study the word of God? Meaning do you worship God by attending Sunday School or Bible Study offered by your home church? You see worship is more than just showing up on Sunday listening to music, a true worship involves a relationship with the Lord.
The way we treat people outside of the church shows how true our worship is with the Lord. If our worship is true and heartfelt we would strive to treat people the way the Lord would. Meaning we wouldn’t treat people mean by our actions. For we know our actions speak louder than our words.
Our worship should reflect our thankfulness for the things that the Lord does for us. Second, our worship should be seen through our actions not just heard through our words. Let us not forget Jesus Christ said he loved us, but he also showed us by dying on the cross for us.
So as we close I leave you with this question, is your worship truly true?
Dear God thank you for your word today. Lord, we pray that we not only worship you but we worship you in truth. That our worship is not only in our words but also in our actions. We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord and say amen.
Go with God!
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