Prepare yourself to discern what is and what is not of God today. Still yourself so you can hear how God is calling you.
I recently had someone tell me that they never get thirsty and rarely drink water. I don’t drink as much as I should, but I do get thirsty for water and when I do, absolutely nothing else will suffice.
Jesus said he is the Living Water and the Bread of Life. When we hunger and thirst for him, nothing else will satisfy. When we come to the Living Water, we never thirst again. God is good and He is kind! He is full of compassion and has promises for us that we cannot comprehend. But we must incline our ear and come to him so that we may hear and live, receiving the covenant he has already promised to us.
Quiet yourself. Turn your ear and heart toward God, resting in his presence and listening to him. He will quench your thirst and fill you. Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Oh Lord, thank you for the covenant which is everlasting and is for ‘whosoever”! I pray I thirst for you today and that I make time to come to the waters so that you can fill and satisfy.
Go with God!
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