Stop and thank God for being present with you today. Ask for God’s guidance as you hear God’s voice through scripture and the writer.
Romans 12:9-21 (NRSV)
Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” No, “if your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
It seems that finding quiet is getting harder and harder. We are surrounded by noise. Something or someone is always pulling at us, competing for our time. When you do set aside time for quiet, do you feel guilty and just a little selfish? I love delving into the spiritual life. I cherish those experiences of quiet contemplation and prayer, being alone with God, letting God speak to me in the stillness that is sometimes hard to find.
Then I read this passage from Romans and am reminded that the Christian walk is just that: a walk. A call to action. We are to DO! This is how we are challenged to live:
• Hold fast
• Love
• Be ardent
• Serve
• Rejoice
• Be patient
• Persevere
• Contribute
• Extend hospitality
• Live in harmony
• Live peaceably
• Feed
• Give
• Overcome evil with good
A life of faith demands that we find balance—time for prayer and reflection, listening for God’s voice and guidance. But we must also remember that we are challenged to act and live lives of faithful action and discipleship. In the quiet contemplation and times of prayer, we find the strength and vision to live into our walk with Christ.
You call us, O God, to lives of faith. Help us to listen when you speak to us, to respond in practice and service to the challenges set before us every day. Our hearts are filled with gratitude, for we know you never leave us alone on this journey. You guide us and lead us, give us strength and hope. Help us to live faithfully. Amen.
Go with God.
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