Prepare yourself to discern what is and what is not of God today. Still yourself so you can hear how God is calling you.
Revelation 3:14-22 (NRSV)
“And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the origin of God’s creation:
“I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth. For you say, ‘I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing.’ You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich; and white robes to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen; and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. I reprove and discipline those whom I love. Be earnest, therefore, and repent. Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. To the one who conquers I will give a place with me on my throne, just as I myself conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”
It has been said, “There is none as arrogant as the first-semester seminary student” (proud of their lofty status and pursuit of godliness! Ha-ha.) I’ll confess to that foolish pride. However, I learned that the corollary to that statement is this: “There is none as humble as a second-semester seminary student!” Like new high school graduates who blindly enter college only to face the reality of how much they don’t know, we often don’t realize how pitiful, blind, and threadbare we are until it is pointedly revealed to us. (Recall the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”) If we want the full life God gives, we need to open our eyes to the truth that we need help! That light of truth may hurt our eyes (and our feelings), but the good news is that Jesus is eagerly waiting to give us all the help we need. We can have a personal trainer-tutor to bring us up to speed. Jesus is the ultimate and original life coach! All who welcome his guiding presence into their lives will become conquerors with a place of honor alongside our Lord!
Loving God, open our eyes to the light of truth and give us courage to walk daily in that light. Forgive us, guide us, teach us, and help us to be all you have created us to be. Hold our hands and our hearts and lead us into your way of truth and life that starts now and lasts forever. In Jesus’ eternal name we pray. Amen.
Go with God.
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