Red River Presbytery has nominated and endorsed the Reverend Duawn Mearns, pastor of Covenant Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Ada, Oklahoma, for Moderator of the 190th General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church to be held in Louisville, Kentucky, June 27 through July 2, 2021.
Duawn is a native of Hector, Arkansas and grew up in the Hector Cumberland Presbyterian Church. After graduating from High School, he attended Bethel College and graduated with a degree in Sociology in 1999. He graduated from Memphis Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity in 2003 and was ordained in June of that same year.
Duawn served the Hopewell and Mt. Zion C.P. churches while in seminary, and after graduation he pastored the Burns Flat Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Red River Presbytery for four years. He then accepted a call to a new church development in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Duawn spent ten years at the Lake Hamilton Church where they went from a new church development to a thriving organized church in Arkansas Presbytery. Since 2017, he has been pastoring the Covenant Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Ada, Oklahoma.
When asked how the Cumberland Presbyterian Church has impacted his life, Duawn said, “I have been blessed by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The relationships I have made and the people I have encountered have helped shape and challenge me. I appreciate the Cumberland Presbyterian Community as a whole and think we have a lot to learn from each other. Every encounter with an individual or group provides an opportunity to learn something new.”
Recognizing just how blessed he has been by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Duawn always values the opportunity to give back and serve his local presbytery and the denomination. Duawn has served on presbyterial boards in Arkansas and Red River Presbyteries. He currently serves his presbytery as a member of the Board of Missions and serves the Cumberland Presbyterian Church as an elected member of the Pastoral Development Ministry Team of the Ministry Council.
“Serving on the Pastoral Development Ministry Team has given me a better understanding of the work of the Ministry Council of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. I have gained a deeper perspective and appreciation of the work our church does for the care and nurture of clergy; the important work and sacrifices many have put into local and international missions.
Participating in youth groups, church camps, CPYC, Triennium and attending my first General Assembly as a Youth Advisory Delegate, I value the investment the Cumberland Presbyterian Church puts in our children and youth. Not only do we help shape and direct their lives but we need to listen to their voices so they can help shape and direct ours. Our children and youth are the future and the present of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Seeing our different agencies work together for a common good is an inspiration and model for our churches.”
Duawn is a supporter of Unification with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America. He believes unity in Jesus Christ is one of the key practices for a bright future of the church. “I believe that we have more that unites us than divides us. The great danger to the church is allowing the differences we have to divide us. Joining together to promote the love and grace of Jesus Christ to the world should be above any other platform or agenda.”
Duawn has been married to Honey for 18 years. They are proud parents of three daughters, Anna, Sara, and Emma.
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