Lenten Season
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
—adapted from Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Leader: You who live in the shelter of our Holy God,
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
will say to the Lord,
People: “Our refuge and our fortress;
our God, in whom we trust.”
Leader: Because you have made the Lord your refuge,
the Most High your dwelling place,
no evil shall befall you,
no scourge come near your tent.
People: For God will command the angels concerning us
to guard us in all our ways.
On their hands they will bear us up,
so that we will not dash our feet against a stone.
Leader: Those who love you O God will be delivered;
You will protect those who know your name.
People: When we call to you, you will answer us;
You will be with us in trouble,
You will rescue us and honor us.
Leader: With long life God will satisfy us,
and show us salvation.
People: Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
—adapted from Psalm 27
Leader: The Lord is my light and my salvation.
People: Whom shall I fear?
Leader: The Lord is the stronghold of my life.
People: Of whom shall I be afraid?
Leader: Teach me your way, O Lord,
People: And lead me on a level path.
Leader: Wait for the Lord!
Be strong, and let your heart take courage.
People: Wait for the Lord!
—Elinor Swindle Brown
—adapted from Psalm 63:1-8
Leader: O God, you are my God, I seek you,
my soul thirsts for you;
People: My flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Leader: I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
beholding your power and glory.
People: Because your steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise you.
Leader: I will bless you as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands and call on your name.
People: My mouth praises you with joyful lips.
Leader: You have been my help,
and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy.
People: Yes, we will sing for joy. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
—adapted from Psalm 32
Leader: You are a hiding place for me O Lord.
You preserve me from trouble.
You surround me with glad cries of deliverance.
People: Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous.
Shout for joy, all you upright in heart.
Leader: The Lord says, “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go.
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
People: Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous.
Shout for joy, all you upright in heart.
Leader: Many are the torments of the wicked,
but steadfast love surrounds those who trust in the Lord.
People: Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous.
Shout for joy, all you upright in heart.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
¾adapted from Isaiah 43:16-21
Leader: God is about to do a new thing.
People: Yes. It springs forth and we perceive it.
Leader: God will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
People: Yes. The path in the wilderness is clear and we are refreshed by the rivers.
Leader: God gives drink to the chosen people, the people God formed for themselves.
People: Yes. We have let the water quench our thirst and we declare your praise.
All: Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Paul says in Romans “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.” Let us confess our sins to God.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
In the season of Lent, we have the unique focus of reflecting on our inner lives. We are asked by God to see where we fail and where we are not producing fruit. As we come to this time set aside to confess our sins, let us also humbly ask God for forgiveness.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
It’s not easy to confess what we have done wrong especially to God. But God has told us through scripture that is we come and confess, that God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins. Let us confess our transgressions to our God who is a God of mercy and grace.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
The psalmist speaking to God says: “I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not hide my iniquity; I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,’ and you forgave the guilt of my sin.
Therefore, let all who are faithful offer prayer to God.” Let us confess the guilt of our sins to God.—Elinor Swindle Brown
Isaiah 43 tells us not to remember the former things or consider the things of old. But it is hard not to think of them since they stand between us and a right relationship with God. Let us bring our sins and have them washed away so we will remember them no more.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God, we know that Lent is a time of reflection and repentance, but it is hard for us to confess to you that we have sinned. In our reflection, we see that we have not been loving to others, we have not been giving of ourselves and we have not followed in the footsteps of Jesus but have gone on our own path. Forgive us God. Set us on the straight and narrow path that leads to you. Set opportunities along the way to think of others rather than ourselves. Help us shed things that are no longer useful to us or you and give us new garments that will enable us to do your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Holy God, we are not worthy to be in your presence and yet we come every week asking for your mercy. We come knowing that we will sin again but want to do your will. Forgive our unbelief. Forgive our doubt and mistrust in others and in you. Forgive the ways we try to succeed at the expense of others. Help us to believe as Moses did that you have a unique call for each of us and that we have an important purpose in this world. Transform into new creatures so we may work for your glory always. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God, it is certainly not easy to confess our wrongdoings. Instead, we would rather hide them away where no one can see them. But you see all and love us anyway. We cannot possibly earn our forgiven, but your son Jesus Christ died so that we don’t have to. Call us to be better people. People who are faithful, and just in our dealings with others. Call us to be loving and kind, compassionate and encouraging, justice seeking and peaceful. Forgive our sins so we may again sing for joy. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We offer our faithful prayer to you O God even though we are not always faithful. Like Peter at the crucifixion, we hang back in the shadows instead of standing and being counted as yours. Our sins blacken our hearts, but we know that you hold the key to them being washed as white as snow. Shower us with your mercy. Count us again as one of your faithful. Help us follow the example of your blameless son Jesus Christ. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God, how can we not remember the former things since we so often live in the past. We lament the way it used to be instead of making the present an incredible place to be. We say we are forward looking, but we continue to say: “That’s not the way we do things.” We want to hold onto things and are afraid of what the future holds. God, let us remember that you are already in the future beckoning us to take that first step into your light. We want to put off the darkness of our sins and become a shining example of who you have called us to be. Have mercy on us and forgive us of the sins weighing us down. And we will be sure to praise your holy name. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Paul continues in Romans: “’The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart’
(that is, the word of faith that we proclaim.; The scripture says, ‘No one who believes in God will be put to shame.’ For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on God. For, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ Friends, we can believe this good news. We have called on the name of God and are saved through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Do not fail to hear the good news that is proclaimed to us! Through Jesus Christ and his saving grace, our sins are forgiven, and we are set free! Friends believe. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Who can really condemn us for our sins? Only Christ and since he lived, died, and was resurrected for us, we know he will not. Believe this good news: through we are forgiven. Give thanks to God! Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
The psalmist goes on to say “Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Happy are those to whom the Lord imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit, there is no deceit.” Friends, be happy for our transgressions are forgiven and our sin covered through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Guess what? God is doing a new thing and God is doing it in our lives right now. Through Jesus Christ we are forgiven and have a future again. People, believe this good news. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Lord, as we listen and take in your word today, give us the insight to take your message and make it a part of our lives forever. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Speak to us O God as we open ourselves to your word for us today. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Illuminating God, crack open the truth of your word through the reading of your scriptures and preaching of your message, and let us see its light. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Your word O Lord is a lamp at our feet and a light for our path. Let us shine for us to see and understand. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
As Mary expressed her faith and love in Jesus and acknowledged him as savior after her eyes were opened, let us too, experience your word with our eyes open so we too can express our faith and love in all our actions. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Deuteronomy 26:1-11
- Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
- Romans 10:8b-13
- Luke 4:1-13
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
- Psalm 27
- Philippians 3:17-4:1
- Luke 13:31-35 or 9:28-36 (37-43a)
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Isaiah 55:1-9
- Psalm 63:1-8
- 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
- Luke 13:1-9
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Joshua 5:9-12
- Psalm 32
- 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
- Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Isaiah 43:16-21
- Philippians 3:4b-14
- John 12:1-8
- Psalm 126
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Week 1: For the next seven weeks we are focusing on various stories in the Gospel of Mark. As an introduction to Mark, view this video from The Bible Project on youtube. Just watch it from the start to time 2:22. This will give you a brief background for our stories.
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHqu9-DtXk
The book of Mark according to the video starts by asking the question Who is Jesus? And then shows Jesus’ call to start spreading the Good News that God’s Kingdom has come near! Why is it important for Mark to start with this call?
What other things are important for you to hear from the video?
Week 2: This second week of Lent, we are focusing on the stories about Jesus speaking to large crowds in the Gospel of Mark. To begin our time together, view this video on Youtube about Jesus feeding the multitudes. Watch the entire video which is 3:24 minutes. This will give you a look at one of the stories in Mark.
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMs8N6Wzwg4
The story of Jesus teaching by the seaside in Mark 3 is also told by Matthew (12). Matthew also tells the story about Jesus feeding the four thousand (Mark 8, Matthew 15). But the miracle story of the feeding of the 5000 is found in all four gospels (Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, and John 6). This tells us just how important this story is. And why not? Jesus took five loaves and two fish and fed 5000 men (not even including the women and children)! The disciples above all were taught in this story not to worry. They almost ridiculed Jesus after he told them to feed the people. You can almost hear Jesus sigh and then ask what resources are available. In the video, Jesus lowered the basket barely glancing at it because although the disciples were surprised what was in the basket, Jesus was not. The video does add a bit of scripture about not worrying about food or drink or clothing from Matthew 6. This is not found in the book of Mark, but does reinforce the idea that God will provide our needs.
Indeed worry does not help a situation in any way, shape or form. What other good pieces of information can we glean from the video either through what is seen or heard?
Week 3: This is the third week of Lent; we are talking about some of the parables that Jesus taught. Not only did he tell these stories but he told why he used them, explained the stories themselves and then explained why he was using them again. As Jesus did a lot in Mark, he spoke in a sort of code and demanded that no one tell who he really is. He did this by telling parables claiming that those who are in the kingdom of God have the secret code breaker. Yet even with all of this, the gospel of Mark continues to answer the question “Who is Jesus?” View the two videos below, the first from The Bible Project on youtube. Watch the first from 3:00-3:50. Watch the second one in its entirety. This will give you a brief background for our stories and a closer look at one parable in particular.
Video #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHqu9-DtXk
Video #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKdpM41cCJA
The parables in Mark 4 are all teaching about faith and being able to share your faith story. The Parable of the Sower is about hearing the word, accepting it and sharing it. The Lamp under the bushel is about not hiding your faith but sharing it with others. Even the Parable of the Mustard Seed speaks of having a small bit of faith being able to do big things.
Was there anything in either of the videos that surprised you? If so reflect on it for a few minutes and what it means to your faith.
Week 4: This is the fourth week of Lent and we are addressing the healing stories found throughout Mark and the act of Jesus blessing the children. As we know Jesus remained hush-hush about who he was in Mark. The video for this week addresses that a little bit and how it relates to his healing of many people. So watch the video below, from The Bible Project on youtube. Watch it from the start to 2:02. This will again give you a brief overview of the book of Mark and talk a little bit more about Jesus’ healing stories.
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVRixfameGY&t=122s
Mark records thirteen instances of Jesus healing and some of those are not single healings but where it simply says that many people were brought to Jesus and healed. These healings are recorded in chapter 1 (after the disciples were called) through chapter 10 (leading all the way up to Palm Sunday.) There are no more recorded after that.
Just before Jesus’ last recorded healing of Blind Bartimaeus, Jesus rejected the disciples’ request and brought the children gathered around him closer, blessed them and used them as a “Disciples’ Sermon.” He raised their attitudes and very essence as an example to all who would follow Jesus.
Did the video clarify anything for you?
Week 5: This is the fifth week of Lent and we are looking at the First Commandment that Jesus gave us and then at the story of Who is the Greatest. One is right before Palm Sunday (Who is the greatest?) and one right after, during Holy Week (The First Commandment). The video for this week is about the Law, the story of the Israelites and their failure to follow the Law. Watch the entire video below, from The Bible Project on youtube. This will give you a walk through the Torah and the books of the Prophets that make up the old Law so we can then think about the First Commandment Jesus introduced in the book of Mark.
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BGO9Mmd_cU
Mark continues in his book to answer the question “Who is Jesus?” And this week’s scripture (Mark 12:28-34) reveals that he is the fulfillment of the Law as he loved God fully and loved others. As the video says, since Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law, he sent the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts that we might follow him and fulfill the law to love God and love others.
The opposite story of the Mark 12 passage is that of the disciples arguing over who is the greatest (Mark 9:33-37). Instead of following the First Commandment, they wanted to lord over one another rather than love one another.
What was the most important thing that the video revealed to you?
Week 6: This is the sixth week of Lent and we are coming very close to Holy Week. We are reading scriptures in Mark where Jesus alludes to his death and resurrection. There are two videos for this week that talk about the differences Jesus had with his disciples when he told them about his being Messiah and what exactly that meant. Watch these two videos below, both from The Bible Project on youtube. Watch the first from 3:50-5:50 and the second from 2:02-3:03.
Video #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHqu9-DtXk
Video #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVRixfameGY&t=122s
Jesus in the book of Mark continued yet again to try to answer the questions about who he is, but the disciples did not want to hear it and did not understand. There are three scriptures this week where Jesus tried to reveal the truth to his disciples and why things have to happen as he had explained.
According to the video, why do you think the disciples don’t understand and why Jesus went so far as to call Peter Satan?
Week 7: This is Holy Week and will be the end of Lent. We are reading chapters 11-16 in Mark that tell the story of Holy Week—the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. There are two videos for this week that take us from Palm Sunday to the resurrection of Jesus. Watch these two videos below, both from The Bible Project on youtube. Watch the first from 5:50 to the end and the second from 3:03 to the end.
Video #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHqu9-DtXk
Video #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVRixfameGY&t=122s
The videos talk about Jesus being the Messianic King and the crucified Christ. And of all people to finally get this, it is a centurion who says that he is the Son of God and not any of his followers.
The videos also highlight the fact that the book of Mark ends abruptly with the women running from the tomb. He uses this as a tool to nudge his readers into having to think for themselves almost as if they must finish the story.
What is the most important thing to you that these videos portray about Holy Week?
—Elinor Swindle Brown
In this season of Lent, Loving God, we come to you looking inward at our lives. We are metaphorically standing before a mirror, scars, and all, reflecting on our life’s journey and how much or how little our faith has been a part of it. We look back over the last year wondering if we have been a positive change for you in this world. We fervently pray that we have been and will continue to be. You know that we struggle living a life worthy of being called your children. Time seems to fly and too much to do stresses us out and causes us to worry and anxiety. And yet, we come back to be in this church community because we know that when we struggle, others lift us up. And when we are walking the path Christ set for us, we can lift others up. Thank you, God, for this church community and the people within it that make us better Christians.
God, we come to you now needing to lift others up. For those in our community who need your loving care, we pray to you:
Hear our prayer.
For those who lead our nation and church, we ask you to give them the wisdom of Solomon, the heart of David, and the love of Jesus Christ. For our leaders we pray to you:
Hear our prayer.
For those who are lonely and have needs for their very survival, we ask that you give us the resources to be your hands and feet in the world. For those in need we pray to you:
Hear our prayer.
Let this Lenten season be the key to opening our hearts and minds to your call. Let it be a time to see the path you have set before us both as individuals and as a church community. Let it be the door to sharing your good news with the world. And we will be sure to give you all the thanks and glory, O God. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
During Lent you call us to objectively look at our lives to see the ways we need to serve you better God. We need to praise you for you are the God who protects us, who teaches us, who loves us. We need to thank you God because all we have is from you, and still belongs to you. We have confessed to you our shortcomings and have listened to your word both read and spoken.
Even though we ask so much from you, we come again, asking for your mercy for others. We lift up to you the leaders of this world of yours. Guide them to long to do your will with every action they take and every decision they make. We lift up to you those who have need of your special care. We lift up those among us who are hurting and grieving. We lift up those among us who are sick and need your healing. We lift up those who need to be supported and encourage and shown that their lives have meaning. We lift up those who roam the streets because they do not have money for food, clothing, or shelter or who do not have people who love and care for them. Guide us to all these who need your help so we can be your hands and feet in our world, serving you while serving others.
And we lift up ourselves because we know we need you in our lives to support and guide us. Give us a passion to share your good news with others through our witness, our hospitality or however we can because we know people need you in their lives. Send down your wisdom so we may know what you would ask of us. In the name of Jesus who taught us to pray….
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We come to you, Loving God, believing the promise of Jesus Christ, when he said that we can come to you always and you will hear us, that we can knock, and the door will be opened to us. There are so many people hurting and broken in this world that need you. There are so many people that need to know that you will lead them if only they will follow.
We know that there are so many that need your intervention in their lives and so we intercede on their behalf.
- For the sick and healing
- For the grieving and lost souls
- For those without food, shelter, and water
- For those who are oppressed and their oppressors
- For the widows and orphans
- For those suffering from devastation caused by weather or war
- For leaders who need your direct guidance
- For those without hope or love
- For those who do not know your son Jesus Christ as their savior
- For those who work for peace and those who work for war
- For all the others we have not named but need us to give voice to that need
Give us the wisdom to know how to serve others and in doing so serve you. Let us follow the example of Jesus, the one who taught his disciples to pray in this way: Our Father….
—Elinor Swindle Brown
O God, we come praising your name for your abundant love and mercy and thank you for all that you have given us: the trees and flowers that are coming alive again, the birds singing and the animals scurrying, the homes that we have and the food and drink to sustain our lives. We know that we sometimes take these things for granted and so we take this time to say thank you.
God of love and mercy, we come asking for your help. We pray for those who we love that are hurting: those who are physically sick or in need of healing, those who are emotionally hurting as they struggle to handle the daily stresses and circumstances weighing them down, and those who are mentally ailing with challenges that are beyond our help.
God of peace, we beg you to spread peace throughout this world. We pray for those who are promoting hatred: those physically harming others, those mentally abusing peace to the point of hopeless, and those who are apathetic to anyone but themselves and what they can get through any means. We pray that you will convict them as you did to Saul on the road to Damascus, giving them a transforming experience and coming into relationship with you.
God of all things, we pray for ourselves. We pray that you will continue to challenge us to bear fruit in this world for you, that you build us up through our church community and through other Christians that care for us, that you give us a boldness to serve you with our hearts and souls and minds and strength. Use us O God for your purpose.
We pray all these things in the name of the one who saved us and taught us to pray saying: Our Father…. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Holy God, we come before you today, praising your name and giving you thanks for all creation around us. We glory in the world, bringing beauty to our lives and giving us a peace that only you can bring us through it. We glory in humankind around us. Even though people are not always a good example for others, we know that most people seek to be kind and gracious to each other. You have said that we can bring any prayer to you—ask anything and you will hear us. And so, we come asking you to intercede with the concerns we bring:
—for our environment that we are called to care for
—for our neighbors that we are called to love
—for the grieving among us that we are called to offer comfort to,
—for the poor around us that we are called to give food, drink, and clothing to,
—for those in prison that we are called to visit
—for our leaders that we are called to encourage
—for those who are sick that we are called to pray healing for
(there may be those on your prayer list who you want to name specifically at this time)
God, we raise up these intercessions knowing that you are a loving and just God. Be with those who we have named and let them feel the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit moving them to your right place. And we will give you the power and glory as Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father who art in heaven….
—Elinor Swindle Brown
In Deuteronomy, the people were instructed: “You shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you shall put it in a basket and go to the place that the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his name….[and say] Now I bring the first of the fruit of the ground that you, O Lord, have given me.” We have come to this same time in our worship. May we give of our abundance.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
At times, we need to be reminded of all the many ways we have been blessed by God in our lives. As you give back to God through your tithes and offerings, reflect on these things.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Alone our gifts don’t go far. But as one body, our giving is able to sustain the ministries of this church. Give as you are able and with a generous heart.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
The Bible says that we are ambassadors of Christ. In giving of our offering as an act of worship, we are proclaiming that we believe Christ’s mission for us to spread the message, teach others and care for those who cannot care for themselves. As Christ’s ambassadors, let us set an example of generosity to one another so Christ’s mission can be done.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Judas was right you know. The perfume that Mary used to wash Jesus’ feet could have done a great deal of ministry for the poor. What he failed to see is that her gift expressed her faith, and she gave it freely. Let us now bring our gifts to God and faithfully set them at Jesus’ feet. May we now bring our offerings to God.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Generous God, we come to you with some of the bounty that you have given to us and our church family. Take it and use it for the aliens of our land today: the hungry, the thirsty, the poor and lonely. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We know that we cannot pay back the debt we owe to you Loving God. And praise your name you do not ask us. You simply ask for us to be generous. So, we come bringing gifts to help your children. Use these gifts to further your kingdom here on earth. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We as one community come bringing our tithes and offerings to you: a gift that represents our life’s work, our life’s savings, our generosity. Take these gifts that are of ourselves and use them to care for others. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We pray O Lord that we will always be good representatives for you by providing ministries that care for others. Use these gifts that come out of our generosity to further Christ’s mission here on earth. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We bring our gifts to you O God. We pray that it is as extravagant as Mary’s gift. Take this representation of our life’s work and use them to better the lives of others. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We know that just as Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by evil, power, and greed, we will also be tempted this week. And we know that we will need help.
Know that help will be there to face any temptation,
Because the love of God our creator,
The example of Jesus Christ the son,
And the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be right there with you. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Open your eyes and ears this week to hear what God is telling you.
Energize your mind and body to work for God this week.
Go out into the world ready to do God’s will.
And as you go, know that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit go with you. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
It is time to go out and bear fruit for Almighty God. What will you do this week to make that happen? Reflect on this and know that whatever you do God goes with you. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
2 Corinthians says, “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” Live as new creations in the world this week and know as you do that Creator God, Savior God, and Comforter God goes with you. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God is doing a new thing in the world this week. Will we perceive it? Will we participate in it?
Let’s go out with the belief that we will be looking and planning to do so.
And as we go, may God’s mercy dwell in your hearts so you will express it to others,
May Christ’s love dwell in your lives, so you will sacrifice for others,
And may the Holy Spirit’s guidance, lead us boldly into the future. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown